Funko Plans to Launch Jay and Silent Bob NFT Collection via the Digital Collectibles Platform Droppp

Three months ago, Funko Inc., disclosed that it was entering the non-fungible token (NFT) industry when it announced it acquired a majority ownership stake in the NFT startup Tokenwave. Ob uri, Funkos CEO Brian Mariotti explained thatFunko Pop digital

Kanye West prijavi blagovne znamke, ki opisujejo tehnologijo NFT po obsodbi koncepta digitalnega zbirateljstva

Glede na prijave blagovnih znamk pri Uradu Združenih držav za patente in blagovne znamke (USPTO), ameriški reper Ye (splošno znan kot Kanye West) vstopa v svet nezamenljivih žetonov (NFT-ji) in metaverzum. The record producers company Mascotte Holdings Inc….

Konec črnih seznamov Coinbase 25,000 Kripto naslovi, povezani z ruskimi posamezniki in subjekti

The cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has addressed the companys procedures toward complying with sanctions in a blog post published on Sunday. The crypto firm says that respecting sanctions plays avital role in promoting national securityand the acts can help deter