Игры Web3 продолжают расти, несмотря на экономические трудности, Согласно отчету Дапрадара

Согласно недавнему отчету, подготовленному Dappradar, игровой индустрии Web3 удалось поднять $750 миллионов с 1 августа, несмотря на спад криптовалюты, с несколькими важными проектами, в которых зарегистрированы положительные показатели продаж и активности.


Web3 Gaming Industry Thriving Amidst Economic Downturn

The current economic downturn that is affecting the traditional and cryptocurrency markets has had a less significant effect on the Web3 gaming sector. Согласно недавнему отчет issued by Dappradar, the numbers coming from this industry have been positive, resisting the effect of these variables.

The Web3 gaming industry has registered investments of $748 million since August 1st, 135% more than what was invested during July. Однако, this number is still 19% lower than what was invested during June, showing that the ecosystem is still recovering. These investments include $200 million raised by Gabriel Ledon for a new company called Limit Break and Temasek’s $100 миллион инвестиции in Animoca Brands.

The total investment in the sector during Q3 was calculated at $1.1 миллиард, with estimations calculating the total investment in all of 2022 to be near $10 миллиард. This would more than double the $4 billion invested in 2021.

Activity and Future of the Sector

The report found that key projects in the Web3 gaming sector were healthy, with some numbers showing positive developments. In the virtual world area, while the total sales decreased 28.90% к $22 миллион, the number of sales climbed by almost 40% к 19,354, showing there is still demand for the products these projects offer.

Песочница, платформа метавселенной на основе Ethereum, released its third season last month, offering over 90 experiences coming from different sources, including The Walking Dead, Снуп Догг, and the Smurfs. This has caused a rise in the number of active wallets on the platform by 40%.

Степн, one of the pioneer games in the move-to-earn industry, has maintained some grade of popularity, с более чем 3 million accumulated monthly users, according to the report. Even with all this activity, the report acknowledges that Web3 gaming is still at its embryonic stages and that the industry still has a “mystery” associated with it.

Однако, even with the low involvement from traditional gaming companies, the report believes that if this growth continues, the blockchain gaming field has a high possibility of becoming one of the biggest industries in the Web3 environment.

Теги в этой истории
Бренды Анимока, дапрары, Игры, Инвестиции, лимитный перерыв, Рыночный спад, СТЕПН, Темасек, Песочница, Виртуальные миры, Веб3

What do you think about the latest report on Web3 gaming issued by Dappradar? Расскажите нам в разделе комментариев ниже.

Серджио Гощенко

Серхио — криптовалютный журналист из Венесуэлы.. Он описывает себя как опоздавшего на игру, вход в криптосферу, когда рост цен произошел в декабре 2017. Наличие компьютерного инженерного образования, жизнь в Венесуэле, и влияние бума криптовалюты на социальном уровне, он предлагает другую точку зрения на успех криптовалюты и на то, как она помогает людям, не имеющим доступа к банковским услугам и недостаточно обслуживаемым.

Кредиты изображений: Шаттерсток, Pixabay, Викисклад

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