Южноафриканский профессор обвиняет регуляторов США в попытке «ликвидировать криптовалюту»

The United Statesattempts toassassinate cryptoare illegal and unlikely to succeed becausecrypto is global,” Стивен Бойки Сидли, a South African professor and author, has argued. According to Sidley, many formerly U.S.-based companies and innovators have fled the country

Миллиардер Билл Акман о банковском кризисе в США: «Боюсь, мы движемся к крушению поезда»

Billionaire Bill Ackman has warned that the U.S. economy isheading for a train wreckif the government allows the current banking crisis to continue. “Trust and confidence are earned over many years, but can be wiped out in a few