Протокол Lido раскрывает планы по выводу средств в преддверии хардфорка Ethereum в Шанхае

While the Ethereum community prepares for the upcoming Shanghai hard fork in March, the development team for the liquid staking project Lido revealed plans to create an in-protocol withdrawal feature. Lido’s team is seeking community feedback on the proposal that would

Криптоэкономика уходит в прошлое $3 Триллион — импульс стоимости рос намного быстрее, чем рыночная оценка Apple

На ноябрь 8, 2021, the cryptocurrency economys market capitalization reached the $3 trillion mark after gathering significant value over the course of 12 годы. The overall value of the 10,464 crypto-assets in existence is now larger than Microsofts market valuation at