Coinbase и 17 Другие криптофирмы запускают «технологию универсального решения Travel Rule»

В среду, the publicly-listed cryptocurrency firm Coinbase announced the launch of a collaborative effort called TRUST, which stands forTravel Rule Universal Solution Technology.The plan is described as anindustry-driven solutiondeveloped to comply with the Financial Action Task Force

17 Криптовалютные фирмы формируют коалицию за честность рынка, направленную на поддержку разумно регулируемой отрасли

На февраль 7, 2022, a group of 17 digital asset companies revealed they formed an organization called the Crypto Market Integrity Coalition (CMIC). The well-known firms include crypto companies like Coinbase, Круг Интернет Финансовый, Huobi Tech, Bitmex, Cryptocompare, and Solidus Labs….