Хотя опыт казался очень простым: Южноафриканская фирма запускает токен Crypto Water Token — получает инвестиции в размере 150 миллионов долларов

The South African company behind the so-calledcrypto water tokenis reported to have secured an investment of $150 million from a Bahamas-based digital asset management company, GEM Digital. Initially available on decentralized exchanges only, the H2ON token was recently listed

LeisurePay объявляет о двойном листинге на Bitmart и Probit Global

ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ. LeisurePay, a merchant payment solutions provider using blockchain technology and powered by the only wholly black-owned bank in America, announces the debut exchange listing of its LPY token. “Listing with a Top 20 Worldwide exchange in Probit Global, one