Южноафриканский университет приступит к обучению в области блокчейна и цифровой валюты в ноябре

Южноафриканский университет, Кейптаунский университет (UCT) объявил, что с ноября начнет работу классов блокчейн и цифровых валют.. По данным учреждения, студенты, которые зачисляются и завершают $693 six-week course will be issued a legal certificate.


Better Understanding of Blockchain

As explained on UCT’s Веб-сайт, students that successfully complete the short course will walk away with “an understanding of how blockchain technology fits into the existing financial systems.” They will also gain an understanding of “how applications such as bitcoin, эфириум, and other crypto-assets can be used.”

Дальше, students enrolling in this course are expected to “investigate the ethical implications of investing in the crypto-asset industry.” They will also discover how ethics and governance can shape new financial infrastructure for the benefit of society.

Importance of the Short Course

In the course’s overview, the UCT explains why the university has now added blockchain and crypto education to its list of short courses. The overview states:

It’s no longer enough to simply know about cryptocurrencies. With crypto-assets and blockchain technologies growing at unprecedented rates, professionals need the ability to analyse and understand how the latest developments in the finance industry will fundamentally change the way the financial system functions in the present and near-future.

UCT, which is one of the first higher education institutions in Africa to offer blockchain and crypto lessons, adds that only “organisations that adapt their offerings to either compete with cryptocurrencies or offer services that support the industry are best positioned to take advantage of the rise of crypto assets.”

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