Solana Ventures запускает $100 Million Fund сосредоточился на проектах Web3 в Южной Корее

Solana Ventures объявила о запуске $100 миллионный фонд, посвященный стартапам Web3 в Южной Корее. According to Solana Labs’ general manager Johnny Lee, капитал будет посвящен невзаимозаменяемым токенам (NFT), децентрализованное финансирование (дефи), and game finance (gamefi) development.


Solana Ventures Reveals $100 Million Web3 Fund Dedicated to Finding Talent and Innovative Startups in South Korea

Proponents behind the smart contract protocol Солана plan to expand into Южная Корея by offering a Web3 fund worth $100 million to startups and developers creating Web3 projects.

Solana Labs’ general manager Johnny Lee сказал Techcrunch reporter Jacquelyn Melinek that the fund will focus on Web3 applications that revolve around NFTs, дефи, blockchain gaming concepts, and gamefi.

Остин Наволочка, the head of communications at Solana Labs, explained to Melinek that the fund stems from the Solana community treasury and Solana Ventures’ pool of capital.

Solana Ventures Launches $100 Million Fund Focused on Web3 Projects in South Korea
Solana Ventures has dedicated millions of dollars toward Web3 projects and startups.

Солана Венчурс, the investment arm of Solana Labs, explained that gaming and non-fungible tokens are popular in South Korea. Lee detailed that a lion’s share of NFT and gaming activities on the Solana network derive from the East Asian country.

“A big portion of Korea’s gaming industry is moving into web3,” Lee detailed on Wednesday. “We want to be flexible; there’s a wide range of project sizes, team sizes, so some of [our investments] will be venture-sized checks,” the Solana Labs general manager remarked.

Solana’s native token солана (соль) is in the top ten crypto market positions in ninth place in terms of capitalization. SOL’s $13.22 billion market capitalization represents 1.03% of the crypto economy’s $1.290 trillion market valuation.

соль, Однако, is down 39.2% over the last month and 19.6% of the fall was during the past two weeks. In terms of total value locked (ТВЛ) in defi, Solana is ranked fifth with $3.76 миллиард. Solana’s TVL in defi has lost 33.96% in the past month, according to статистика.

Кроме того, Solana suffered another network outage as the network halted block production on June 1. В декабре 2021, Солана Венчурс, in a partnership with Griffin Gaming and Forte, В этом году известные автомобильные бренды и всемирно известные гоночные команды в большом количестве входят в пространство блокчейна и криптовалюты. а $150 million fund for Web3 products.

Amid the announcement concerning Solana Ventures’ latest fund focused on South Korea and Web3 development, Lee said he expects Solana to showcase “high-quality and fun games” during the last two quarters of 2022.

Теги в этой истории
Остин Наволочка, Крипто, Криптоактив, Криптовалюты, DeFi, defi SOL, GameFi, Игры, игровые финансы, игровая индустрия, Джонни Ли, Рыночная капитализация, нфт, NFT, Незаменяемый токен, соль, СОЛ дефи, Солана, Солана (соль), Солана Венчурс, Солана Веб3, Южная Корея, Южная Корея Web3, Южнокорейские стартапы, общая стоимость заблокирована, ТВЛ, Веб3, Web3 разработка, Web3 СОЛНЦЕ, Web3 Южная Корея

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