Коллекция Smartbch Poolside Puffers NFT распродана в 3 Дней - 100% выручки идет в приют во Вьетнаме

Незаменяемые токены (NFT) были чрезвычайно популярны в последнее время, поскольку было удалено большое количество коллекций и были обменены NFT на миллиарды долларов. Недавно, a collection of NFTs stemming from the Smartbch protocol called “Poolside Puffers” was introduced to the Bitcoin Cash community. The entire collection of 2,100 Puffers sold out in less than three days and all proceeds are being donated to an orphanage in Vietnam.


Meet Poolside Puffers — 2,100 Unique Generative Art Collectibles Built With Smartbch

The Smartbch protocol has been gathering traction as people are minting a myriad of tokens, leveraging decentralized exchange (декс) platforms like Misty Lake (lake.mistswap.fi) В этом году известные автомобильные бренды и всемирно известные гоночные команды в большом количестве входят в пространство блокчейна и криптовалюты. Benswap, as well as discussing new Smartbch ideas across a variety of forums. While blockchain NFT collections like Cryptopunks, Яхт-клуб Bored Ape, and others have been all the rage lately, a Smartbch-minted NFT collection sold out in three days this week. The NFT collection called “Poolside Puffers” was В этом году известные автомобильные бренды и всемирно известные гоночные команды в большом количестве входят в пространство блокчейна и криптовалюты. by Corbin Fraser (@maplesyrupsuckr) в Октябре 3.

“Introducing Пуховики у бассейна,” Fraser wrote on Twitter. “2,100 unique generative art collectibles. 100% of proceeds from minting are being donated to a local Orphanage that supports abandoned and disabled children in Da Nang, Vietnam.”

Smartbch Poolside Puffers NFT Collection Sells Out in 3 Days — 100% of Proceeds Goes to Orphanage in Vietnam
Fraser’s Smartbch-minted NFT collection “Poolside Puffers” sold out in three days.

Each Puffer sold for 0.0035 BCH per unit which is roughly just over $2 using today’s BCH exchange rates. “$PP is a friendly art project to introduce Bitcoin Cash and wider crypto users to the new EVM sidechain smartBCH, which is enabling Ethereum smart contract capabilities, including SEP721 NFTs,” Fraser further detailed in his introductory Twitter thread. Добавил он:

Есть 2,100 collectible Poolside Puffer art pieces based on eight traits, включая: Body, Tail, Tail Fins, Fins, Face, Accessories, and Background, and of course Spikes. Each puffer is 100% unique. There also exist various more rare puffers. The more solid colour the puffer, the more rare. Certain features are also more rare such as animated backgrounds, and bloodshot eyes. Along with some accessories.

Smartbch Innovation Still Nascent

Fraser’s Puffer NFTs have been popular on Twitter and the collection’s smart contract address can be viewed via the smartscan.cash explorer. Fraser and many others believe that it is still early when it comes to the things that can be built with Smartbch.

“It’s still very early days for Smartbch — It has a long ways to go to compete with major projects like FTM, МАТИК, AVAX and others,” Fraser принято к сведению this week. But as they say. Early bird gets the worm. Or in this case, the Puffer. Who knows, maybe someday $PP will be a rare delicacy.” Another set of interesting NFTs minted on the Smartbch protocol is the BArobots collection. Есть only 10,000 BArobots in total and each robot is unique and has an NFT provenance seed.

Many others have said the same as Fraser in recent times, as Smartbch has been getting usage from a variety of BCH proponents. “The vast majority of the market has no idea Smartbch exists or the crazy amount of activity happening over here. Very early days here,” the Twitter account dubbed ‘Cheap Lightning’ tweeted on Sunday.

What do you think about the Smartbch protocol gaining traction and Corbin Fraser’s Poolside Puffer NFTs? Дайте нам знать, что вы думаете об этом предмете в разделе комментариев ниже.

Теги в этой истории
$ПП, BCH, биткойн наличные, биткойн наличные BCH, Блокчейн, Дешевая молния, предметы коллекционирования, Дананг, нфт, NFT, детский дом во Вьетнаме, Пуховики у бассейна, Коллекция Poolside Puffers NFT, Рыба фугу, Пуховики, Smartbch, Smartbch dex, Smartbch dexes, Smartbch NFT, Вьетнам

Кредиты изображений: Шаттерсток, Pixabay, Викисклад, Пуховики у бассейна, Corbin Fraser,

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