Роберт Кийосаки ожидает, что биткойн-инвесторы станут богаче, когда ФРС развернется, Напечатает триллионы долларов

Знаменитый автор бестселлера «Богатый папа, бедный папа»., Роберт Кийосаки, says that bitcoin investors will get richer when the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, and Wall Street pivot and trillions of dollars are printed.


Robert Kiyosaki Predicts Bitcoin Investors Will Get Richer

Автор книги «Богатый папа, бедный папа»., Роберт Кийосаки, has predicted that owners of bitcoin will get richer while “fake money savers” will be the biggest losers.

Богатый папа, бедный папа — это 1997 книга в соавторстве с Кийосаки и Шэрон Лектер. Он был в списке бестселлеров New York Times более шести лет.. Больше, чем 32 миллионов экземпляров книги было продано более 51 языков на более чем 109 страны.

Kiyosaki tweeted Thursday that people who own gold, Серебряный, and bitcoin will get richer when the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, and Wall Street pivot and trillions of dollars are printed. “Fake money savers will be the biggest losers,” he stressed.

The famous author has warned on several occasions that the U.S. pension crisis is much worse than we thought. В 2020, he co-authored a book titled “Who Stole My Pension?” with Edward Siedle. In the book, the authors discussed “the greatest retirement crisis in the history of our nation and … the entire world.” When pension funds almost collapsed recently in England, Кийосаки предупрежден that a similar situation could happen in the U.S.

Kiyosaki previously explained that “the U.S. dollar became fake money” when President Richard Nixon removed it from the gold standard in 1971. “This is because rather than being tied to real money,” such as gold, “it was tied to the ‘full faith and credit’ of the United States,” the Rich Dad Poor Dad author noted. В сентябре, he said the end of fake money is here; he expects the U.S. dollar to крушение by January.

The renowned author has said repeatedly that he doesn’t trust the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, President Joe Biden, and Wall Street. В феврале, he warned that the Fed and the Treasury are destroying Соединенные штаты. доллар, advising people to buy bitcoin.

He recently stressed that cryptocurrency cannot be blamed for the collapse of crypto exchange FTX, emphasizing that bitcoin is not the problem. He called former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried the Bernie Madoff of crypto. Ранее в этом месяце, Kiyosaki explained that he is a bitcoin investor, not a trader, and he gets excited when BTC hits a new bottom.

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Кевин Хелмс

Студент австрийского экономического факультета., Кевин нашел биткойн в 2011 и с тех пор был евангелистом. Его интересы заключаются в безопасности биткойнов, системы с открытым исходным кодом, сетевые эффекты и пересечение экономики и криптографии.

Кредиты изображений: Шаттерсток, Pixabay, Викисклад

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