Игры и NFT — движущая сила Dapps в третьем квартале, По словам Дапрадара

Blockchain-based games and NFT trading were the driving force behind dapp adoption during Q3, according to defi insight platform Dappradar. In its Dapp Industry Report: Q3 2021 Overview, Dappradar states that the importance of these new activities in the crypto industry

Законодатели США рассматривают авторитарное подавление криптовалюты Китаем как большую возможность

Несколько американских. lawmakers see Chinas authoritarian crackdown on cryptocurrency, включая биткойн, в виде “a perfect opportunity for American leadership on cryptocurrency.One senator noted that it isa reminder of our huge structural advantage over China.US Lawmakers Comment on Chinas Cryptocurrency

Крупнейший банк Сальвадора теперь принимает биткойны в качестве оплаты за финансовые продукты

Bancoagricola, the biggest bank in El Salvador, is now accepting bitcoin to pay for debts originated from the use of its instruments, according to a PR statement. The institution partnered with Flexa, a payments network, to include cryptocurrency capabilities in its