Солана DEX Soldex AI, Генеральный директор Джон Робертсон объясняет влияние

One of the backbones of crypto market in todays world are decentralized exchanges that took the world by the storm in recent years. And as the crypto exchange market is moving and developing rapidly, it is absolutely no surprise that the

Сенатор США Уоррен нажимает на SEC для устранения сбоев в работе криптобиржи, Высокие комиссии за транзакции, Финансовая доступность

At the U.S. Senate Banking Committee hearing Tuesday, Senator Elizabeth Warren called on the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Гэри Генслер, to increase oversight of cryptocurrency. She brought up several problems she associates with cryptocurrency that could hurt

ABEY — одна из самых быстрорастущих блокчейнов в мире. 20,000 Новые адреса каждую неделю

На этой неделе, ABEY has announced that it has been adding an average of 20,000 active ABEY 2.0 addresses each week since the beginning of August 2021, making it one of the fastest-growing blockchains in the world and finishing an exceptional week