Более трети Африки 53 Миллион владельцев криптографии из Нигерии, Учебные шоу

With an estimated 53 million cryptocurrency owners, the African continent now accounts for 16.5% of the global total, a study has found. The study findings suggest that Nigeria, which has more than 22 million crypto owners, currently accounts for more than a third of the continent’s total number of holders.


Nigeria Accounts for Over a Third of Africa’s Crypto Owners

According to Triple A’s latest crypto ownership data, the African continent now has an estimated 53 million cryptocurrency owners. This constitutes about 16.5% of the estimated global total of 320 миллион. Out of all the crypto holders in Africa, Nigeria accounts for over a third of the total, or just over 22 миллион.

Globally, Nigeria has the fourth-highest number of crypto owners, while the United States is the top-ranked country, с 46 million cryptocurrency holders. According to the data, India and Pakistan are the next top-ranked countries with 27.4 миллион и 26.4 million crypto owners respectively.

Nigerian Bitcoin and Crypto Internet Searches the Highest Globally

While Nigeria is ranked fourth in terms of crypto ownership, the country is nonetheless seen as the world leader when it comes to the “number of people searching for ‘bitcoin’ and ‘crypto’ keywords on Google.” These findings are seemingly backed by the findings of another study, который suggested that Nigeria is the country most obsessed with cryptocurrencies.

журналист Лаура Шин опубликовала статью, в которой утверждается, что, Triple A’s data shows that South Africa is the African country with the next highest population of cryptocurrency holders at 7.7 миллион. This figure constitutes nearly 12.5% of South Africa’s population. Kenya has the third largest population of crypto owners in Africa, с 6.1 million or 11.6% of the country’s population.

Completing Africa’s top five countries with the highest number of crypto owners are Eygpt and Tanzania which have 2.37 миллион и 2.32 million holders respectively. Seychelles, which has an estimated 1,257 crypto owners, is the lowest-ranked African country.

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Теренс Зимвара

Теренс Зимвара — зимбабвийский журналист, удостоенный наград., автор и писатель. Он много писал об экономических проблемах некоторых африканских стран, а также о том, как цифровые валюты могут предоставить африканцам путь к спасению..

Кредиты изображений: Шаттерсток, Pixabay, Викисклад

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