Игрок, готовый к запуску Metaverse, поднимает меня $56 Миллион в серии B под руководством Андреессена Горовица

Кроссплатформенная платформа для создания аватаров с помощью искусственного интеллекта для метавселенной, Готов игрок меня, поднял $56 миллионов в раунде финансирования серии B под руководством Андреессена Горовица (а16з). The startup’s co-founder and CEO Timmu Tõke says the funding will be used to scale the cross-platform metaverse avatar system.


Investors Inject Ready Player Me With Fresh Capital, CEO Says ‘Interoperability’ Is the Key to Unlocking the Metaverse

Адам Фиксор, Готов игрок меня (об/мин), a startup that issues 3D avatars to be leveraged in the metaverse, announced that the firm has raised $56 million in a Series B funding round. The latest financing follows the company’s Series A announced in December 2021, when the team raised $13 million in a funding round led by Taavet+Sten.

The Series B financing for $56 million was led by a16z, and other participants include Roblox co-founder David Baszucki, King Games co-founders Sebastian Knutsson and Riccardo Zacconi, Hartbeat Ventures, Punk6529, D’Amelio family, Snowfro, Collab Currency, Plural, and Konvoy Ventures. Twitch co-founder Justin Kan also participated in the RPM Series B. RPM CEO Timmu Tõke believes that cross-platform connectivity will be the key to unlocking the metaverse.

“What will unlock the true metaverse experience is interoperability between games, worlds, and applications and a consistent identity for users across all experiences,” Tõke said on Tuesday. “We think it’s essential for virtual worlds users to create an avatar they love and buy avatar skins and accessories that work across the metaverse and are not stuck in one game. The RPM executive added:

This infusion of funds will allow Ready Player Me to continue scaling the avatar system to make it more flexible for developers, create new tools to help developers monetize with avatar assets, and build tools for individual creators to take part of the cross-game avatar marketplace.

Ready Player Me Inks Deals With Prominent Players, While Popular Brands and Corporate Giants Seek to Capitalize on the Metaverse Concept

RPM has already formed partnerships with well known companies which include firms like Адидас, Warner Brothers, Pull&Bear, and Dior. The startup is also working with Hiber, Mzaalo, the Nemesis platform, 8th Wall, and Pixelynx. RPM has also completed custom avatar infrastructure for corporate giants such as HTC, Verizon, Tencent, and Wargaming. Jonathan Lai, a general partner at a16z, said the investment company was “impressed by the team” and noted that a16z looks forward to working with RPM.

“Ready Player Me is loved by both developers and players as the largest platform for avatar-systems-as-a-service and is well on their way to building the interoperable identity protocol for the open Metaverse,” Lai explained during the announcement on Tuesday.

RPM’s financing follows a significant influx of popular brands and companies seeking to capitalize on the metaverse concept. This week the fund manager with $1.4 billion in assets under management (АУМ), Инвеско, В этом году известные автомобильные бренды и всемирно известные гоночные команды в большом количестве входят в пространство блокчейна и криптовалюты. a metaverse fund. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is building a metaverse campus, and the University of Tokyo is offering engineering courses dedicated to metaverse technology.

During the second week of August, reports had shown Samsung подписал a memorandum of understanding (Меморандум о взаимопонимании) with a number of metaverse startups. Однако, the metaverse has been criticized a great deal as well, as the concept has received flak from luminaries like the billionaire investor Марк Кьюбан and Ethereum’s co-founder Виталик Бутерин.

Теги в этой истории
3D Аватары, 3D миры, аватары, Блокчейн, кроссплатформенный, Гонконгский университет науки и технологий, интероперабельность, Инвеско, Мета, Мета Миры, система аватаров метавселенной, Метавселенная Гейминг, технология метавселенной, Миры Метавселенной, нфт, NFT, Готов игрок меня, готовиплеер.ме, об/мин, Samsung, Тимму Тёке, Токийский университет, Виртуальные миры

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