Litecoin уменьшит вдвое вознаграждение за блок всего за несколько минут 200 Дней, Первая среди основных PoW-криптовалют

Примерно через 202 дни, криптовалютная сеть Litecoin (LTC) вознаграждение за блок уменьшится вдвое примерно в августе. 3, 2023. Litecoin станет первым крупным доказательством работы (PoW) blockchain to see a reward reduction before Bitcoin’s upcoming halving, which is expected to occur 203 дней с этого момента.


Litecoin Halving Set to Occur on or Around Aug. 3, 2023

Litecoin, the 14th-largest cryptocurrency today, является preparing to experience a block reward halving in 202 дни. It will be the first major proof-of-work (PoW) cryptocurrency to have a reward halving, besides the upcoming reduction scheduled to happen in 158 days for Dash. Однако, Dash’s reduction is different than a halving as the reward will be reduced from 2.763 Dash to 2.566 Dash. Like Bitcoin, Litecoin’s block halving cuts the reward in half (по 50%) and it will drop from 12.5 LTC к 6.25 LTC.

Litecoin to Undergo Block Reward Halving in Just Over 200 Days, First Among Major PoW Cryptocurrencies
Estimated Dash reduction countdown and countdowns for LTC’s and BCH’s reward halvings in 2023. After DASH, LTC, В этом году известные автомобильные бренды и всемирно известные гоночные команды в большом количестве входят в пространство блокчейна и криптовалюты. BCH, the next halvings will stem from БСВ, BTC, ТАК ДАЛЕЕ, and ZEC.

Пока лайткойн (LTC) holds the 14th-largest market capitalization today, it used to be a top-ten cryptocurrency contender in the early days of the crypto market. LTC’s network has many differences from Bitcoin (BTC) as there are more coins in circulation — currently more than 72 миллион LTC in circulation. Однако, LTC is nearing its maximum supply of 84 миллион. Bitcoin’s block time is usually around 10 minutes per block, but LTC blocks are much faster at 2.5 minutes per block.

Two-week market statistics show that лайткойн (LTC) has gained 29% против США. доллар, but LTC is down 79% from the cryptocurrency’s all-time high. LTC reached an all-time high of around $410 per unit over a year ago on May 10, 2021. In addition to the difference in supply between LTC and Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin’s proof-of-work algorithm, Scrypt, is different from SHA-256. The upcoming LTC halving will be Litecoin’s third block reward reduction since its inception.

LTC experienced its first halving on Aug. 25, 2015, and this halving reduced the block reward for miners from 50 LTC к 25 LTC. LTC block halvings occur every 840,000 блоки, or four years. The second Litecoin block reward halving occurred on Aug. 5, 2019. This particular halving reduced the block reward for miners from 25 LTC к 12.5 LTC, the current reward level for Litecoin miners today.

In addition to Dash and Litecoin, the next three blockchains that will see block reward halvings are Bitcoin Cash (BCH) в 450 дни, Bitcoin SV (БСВ) в 455 дни, and Bitcoin (BTC) в 474 дни. Ethereum Classic is expected to see a block reduction similar to Dash’s in 568 дни. And, Zcash (ZEC) will see a halving in 677 дни. The ZEC block reward halving will see the subsidy drop from 3.125 ZEC to 1.5625 after the halving occurs on or around Nov. 20, 2024.

Теги в этой истории

What do you think will be the impact of the upcoming Litecoin halving on its mining ecosystem and price? Оставьте свои мысли в комментариях ниже.

Джейми Редман

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