Республиканцы Палаты представителей требуют от Комиссии по ценным бумагам и биржам (SEC) ответов по поводу ареста соучредителя FTX

В феврале. 10, 2023, Республиканцы Патрик МакГенри из Северной Каролины и Билл Хьюзенга из Мичигана, оба члена США. палата представителей, отправил письмо в Комиссию по ценным бумагам и биржам (SEC) chairman Gary Gensler seeking answers about the arrest of FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried prior to his scheduled testimony before the House Financial Services Committee. McHenry and Huizenga assert that the timing of Bankman-Fried’s charges and arrest raises “serious questions about the SEC’s process and cooperation with the Department of Justice.”


House Representatives McHenry and Huizenga Probe SEC Over Timing of Charges and Arrest of Sam Bankman-Fried

Following the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) crackdown on Kraken’s staking services in the United States, House Financial Services chairman Patrick McHenry and Oversight Subcommittee chairman Bill Huizenga said they are investigating the SEC regarding the “timing of the SEC-DOJ action against Sam Bankman-Fried.” The two representatives have sent a letter to SEC chairman Гэри Генслер requesting “records and communications” between the Office of the Chair, the SEC’s enforcement agency, and the Department of Justice regarding the Bankman-Fried issue.

“Presumably, the SEC’s Division of Enforcement did a complete investigation into the actions by Sam Bankman-Fried and presented the findings to the Commission for its review and to authorize the charges,” the letter details. “Yet, the timing of the charges and his arrest raises serious questions about the SEC’s process and cooperation with the Department of Justice. The American people deserve transparency from you and your agency,” the letter adds.

The letter demands all records and communications between the SEC Division of Enforcement employees relating to Bankman-Fried’s charges. The second demand is for all records and communications between the SEC and the DOJ. The third demand is for all records and communications between the Office of the Chair employees and chairman Gensler in relation to Bankman-Fried’s charges and subsequent arrest. The House Republicans want the materials as soon as possible and have given the SEC a deadline.

“Please provide this material as soon as possible, but no later than 5:00 вечера. on February 23, 2023,” the letter written by McHenry and Huizenga demands. “The Committee on Financial Services has jurisdiction to oversee the activities of the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Rule X of the Rules of the House of Representatives.”

Теги в этой истории
Американские люди, Арест, Билл Хьюзенга, Председатель, соучредитель, Комитет по финансовым услугам, коммуникации, Сотрудничество, обрушивающийся, крайний срок, Департамент правосудия, отдел исполнительного производства, Правоприменение Министерства юстиции, правоохранительный орган, фткс, Гэри Генслер, Комитет Палаты представителей по финансовым услугам, палата представителей, расследование, юрисдикция, Письмо, Офис Председателя, Патрик Мченри, процесс, вопросы, Рекорды, республиканцы, Правила Палаты представителей, Сэм Бэнкман-Фрид, SEC, арест SEC, Обеспечение соблюдения SEC, Действия SEC-DOJ, услуги по ставкам, показания, время, Прозрачность, Соединенные Штаты

What do you think about the House Republicans’ demand for answers from the SEC on the arrest of Sam Bankman-Fried? Поделитесь своими мыслями по этому поводу в разделе комментариев ниже..

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