Google Cloud станет валидатором Tezos и предложит услуги валидации

Google Cloud, the remote services division of the software giant, has announced a partnership with blockchain company Tezos to become a block validator (“baker”) in its network. As part of this partnership, Google Cloud will also offer Tezos validation services through its platform, allowing easier deployment for customers worldwide.


Google Cloud Partners With Tezos

Google Cloud объявил a partnership with Tezos, a decentralized Web3 company, that aims to make it easier for Google customers to build and maintain services on top of the Tezos blockchain. The company will become a validator (also known as a “baker”) in the Tezos network, allowing it to be part of, and contribute to, the operation of the system.

The partnership encompasses the inclusion of the Tezos blockchain in Google Cloud’s platform, simplifying the task for companies and developers that build and maintain applications on top of Tezos. This integrates Tezos as another network that can be accessed by Google Cloud customers, alongside other blockchain projects such as Ethereum, Биткойн Кэш, Dash, Litecoin, Hedera Hashgraph, and Polygon, среди прочего.

Tezos developers will also ostensibly be able to benefit from this partnership, as some startups incubated by Tezos will receive credits and mentorships from Google.

Significance of Blockchain

For Google Cloud, offering this kind of Web3-focused service is key to satisfying the growing number of its customers that want to implement their services in an easy way, allowing them to accelerate development and deployment processes. На этом, James Tromans, engineering director for Web3 at Google Cloud, заявил:

Developers know the value of great technology, and we see an opportunity to provide differentiated offerings that build on top of the foundation that similarly supports many of the products and services that blockchain developers seek to build.

более того, Tromans explained that one of the most significant achievements of this partnership includes the opportunity for Google Cloud customers to be able to run nodes in an easy way. He believes this allows builders to direct their efforts towards building their products, leaving node management and maintenance tasks to the service. “Running nodes at scale is time-consuming, costly, and ultimately pulls focus away from building the core products,” he stated.

Tezos is currently involved in a project to digitize all of the registered vehicle titles in California to the blockchain, as the Department of Motor Vehicles in California раскрытый in January.

Теги в этой истории

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Серджио Гощенко

Серхио — криптовалютный журналист из Венесуэлы.. Он описывает себя как опоздавшего на игру, вход в криптосферу, когда рост цен произошел в декабре 2017. Наличие компьютерного инженерного образования, жизнь в Венесуэле, и влияние бума криптовалюты на социальном уровне, он предлагает другую точку зрения на успех криптовалюты и на то, как она помогает людям, не имеющим доступа к банковским услугам и недостаточно обслуживаемым.

Кредиты изображений: Шаттерсток, Pixabay, Викисклад, Sundry Photography /

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