Китайская провинция Чжэцзян стремится построить $28.7 Миллиард метавселенной индустрии 2025

Чжэцзян, прибрежная провинция Китая, представил план развития метавселенной, направленный на создание центра метавселенной на своей территории.. План направлен на то, чтобы побудить к созданию $28.7 billion metaverse industry and construct an ecosystem of several companies integrating this tech as part of its operations by 2025.


Zhejiang Presents Metaverse Development Plan

Zhenjiang, a Chinese province, представлен its metaverse development plan on Dec. 15, aiming to become one of the biggest metaverse hubs in the country. The plan, which contemplates the integration of several active companies into the metaverse, aims to produce a $28.7 billion metaverse industry by 2025.

In the document, the province outlines the actions that it will need to reach its goal, starting in 2023. One of these includes the incubation of 10 industry leaders and 50 companies involved in several of the key technologies related to the metaverse, like AI (искусственный интеллект), VR (virtual reality), and even blockchain.

These technologies will be applied to several processes to integrate companies dedicated to product production, industrial design, medicine, and even the government to this metaverse push.

The document mirrors plans already laid out and presented by other Chinese local governments that are also interested in the metaverse as a development element. In June Shanghai представлен its own roadmap to becoming a $52 million metaverse cluster.

China’s Metaverse Bet

China is becoming a hotbed for metaverse projects, as several companies in the country have shown interest in developing related tech. On Sept. 5, local sources сообщил that the metaverse industry in the country had raised $780 миллион, with the expectation of this number to grow to $5.8 триллион на 2030.

Even the Chinese government is also interested in the development of metaverse-related tech. В ноябре, the Chinese government представлен a plan to research virtual reality (VR), in order to advance the technologies to build a more immersive experience. The same plan contemplates the construction of a virtual social world that would allow users to socialize and communicate online.

Chinese software behemoth Tencent has already jumped on the metaverse van, creating its own division dedicated to this area and aiming to employ more than 300 workers in different tasks and projects.

Однако, the government has criticized the euphoria that is brewing when it comes to metaverse-related investments. State-run newspaper Economic Daily published an article on Nov. 10 that warns about this, stating that “the metaverse industry sounds promising, but it may not fit every region. Be wary of feverishly following suit and betting big on it while detached from reality.”

Теги в этой истории
АР, Китай, план развития, экономическая ежедневная газета, погружение, промышленность, Метавселенная, Шанхай, Цепочка поставок, десять центов, VR, Чжэцзян

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Серджио Гощенко

Серхио — криптовалютный журналист из Венесуэлы.. Он описывает себя как опоздавшего на игру, вход в криптосферу, когда рост цен произошел в декабре 2017. Наличие компьютерного инженерного образования, жизнь в Венесуэле, и влияние бума криптовалюты на социальном уровне, он предлагает другую точку зрения на успех криптовалюты и на то, как она помогает людям, не имеющим доступа к банковским услугам и недостаточно обслуживаемым.

Кредиты изображений: Шаттерсток, Pixabay, Викисклад

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