Генеральный прокурор Нью-Йорка подал в суд на соучредителя Celsius Алекса Машинского за крипто-мошенничество

Это Ян. 5, 2023, the state of New York and attorney general Letitia James filed a lawsuit against Alex Mashinsky, the co-founder and former CEO of Celsius. The lawsuit claims that Mashinsky and Celsius defraudedhundreds of thousands of investors, включая…

Генеральный прокурор Нью-Йорка хочет услышать мнение инвесторов, обманутых криптоплатформами

New York Attorney General Letitia James has urged investors in her state who believe they have been deceived by a crypto platform to contact her office. “Investors were promised large returns on cryptocurrencies, but instead lost their hard-earned money,” she stressed….