Crypto Flash Crash побуждает Сальвадор купить падение - 150 Биткойны добавлены в казну

As the crypto market shed billions of dollars, El Salvador bought the dip, taking advantage of the falling price of bitcoin early Saturday morning. With the latest buy, El Salvador has purchased a total of 1,370 bitcoins altogether. According to Salvadoran

Президент Сальвадора Наиб Букеле насмехается над экономистом Стивом Ханке после стремительного роста цены биткойна

В Октябре 15, the day bitcoins price surpassed the $60K per unit handle, Salvadoran president Nayib Bukele taunted the professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, Steve Hanke, over his recent statements. В это время, the well known economist warned

Президент Сальвадора Наиб Букеле заявил, что граждане, оплачивающие бензин с помощью кошелька Chivo, получат скидку

The Salvadoran president, Nayib Bukele revealed on Friday that Chivo wallet users will be able to get a discount on petroleum fill-ups at the largest gas stations in the country. Chivo wallet users paying for fuel will save $0.20 per gallon

Счетная палата Сальвадора расследует покупку правительством биткойн-банкоматов, Чиво Киоск Строительство

According to reports stemming from the Salvadoran Court of Accounts, the regulatory body is planning to investigate the governments bitcoin automated teller machine (банкомат) purchases and Chivo kiosk construction. The investigation follows the recent protest in El Salvador against the adoption

Виталик Бутерин среди времени 100 Самые влиятельные люди г. 2021

Виталик Бутерин, a co-founder of Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, has made Time magazines list of the 100 most influential people of 2021. The programmer was listed as an innovator, and Time valued his ability to empower other creators