Наследный принц Дубая запускает стратегию метавселенной — предполагается пятикратное увеличение числа компаний, использующих блокчейн и метавселенную

A master plan that aims to see the number of Dubais blockchain and metaverse companies grow from the current 1,000 к 5,000 in five years, was recently launched by the kingdoms Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan. Known as the Dubai Metaverse Strategy,…

Приложение для доставки Rappi запускает пилотный проект по приему криптовалютных платежей в Мексике

Rappi, one of the biggest delivery companies in Latam, has launched a pilot project with the objective of accepting cryptocurrencies as a payment method. Users will be able to buy Rappi credits with cryptocurrency to spend later on various services offered

Chipper Cash расширяет услугу одноранговых денежных переводов в Южную Африку

Chipper Cash, an African fintech start-up, has extended its peer-to-peer instant money service to South Africa. In addition to being able to use the remittance service, South African users will be able to buy, продавать, and transfer cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, эфириум,…