Спрос на ЕСН продолжает расти, Охранник Фонда Луна будет сожжен 4.2 Миллион LUNA из казны

The Luna Foundation Guard (СГ), a nonprofit organization, has announced new measures to keep the supply of UST, the flagship stablecoin of the Terra ecosystem, liquid in secondary markets. The protocol has already reached the max issuance of UST per day,…

Повышение охраны Фонда Луны $1 Миллиард для защиты привязки к доллару UST

The Luna Foundation Guard (СГ) поднял $1 billion in a private token sale to allow the group to safeguard the peg of UST, Терра’s flagship stablecoin, against market instabilities. While the token has an algorithmic method to maintain its dollar