Илон Маск, Джек Дорси предлагает уменьшить анонимность в Твиттере

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO and the new owner of Twitter, have addressed suggestions that the social media platform should have less anonymity. Clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is among the users who want less

Джек Дорси утверждает, что если «вы строите на Ethereum, у вас есть хотя бы один, если не много, Единые точки отказа»

The internet entrepreneur and former CEO of Twitter, Джек Дорси, claims if developers are building on Ethereum they haveat least one, if not many, single points of failure.The statement was in response to Vitalik Buterins commentary concerning Elon Musk