Фонд Uniswap для распространения $1.8 Миллионы в виде грантов 14 Получатели

The Uniswap Foundation (UF), the group behind the decentralized exchange (декс) Uniswap, announced the first wave of foundation grants on Wednesday as it plans to distribute $1.8 million total, awarded across 14 гранты. The UF announcement details that a touch more

В то время как цена BTC упала ниже, майнер потратил 11-летнюю награду за блок 2010 Стоит 1,8 миллиона долларов

Following the large string of block rewards from 2010 spent in November 2021, no block rewards from that year were discovered in December and throughout the next month up until January 21. В пятницу, an 11-year-old block reward originally mined on