Президент Бразилии Лула призывает развивающиеся страны отказаться от доллара в качестве глобальной резервной валюты

According to Brazil’s president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, developing countries should abandon the U.S. dollar and strengthen their own national currencies. During a speech at the New Development Bank in Shanghai, Lula expressed his nightly pondering: “Why do all countries have to base their trade on the dollar?”


Brazil’s President Wants to Reduce the U.S. Dollar’s Global Dominance

Recent discussions have focused on removing the U.S. dollar’s status as the global reserve currency, and this idea is becoming more of a reality in 2023. Speaking at the New Development Bank in Shanghai, also known as the ‘BRICS Bank,’ President Lula insisted that the greenback’s global dominance should end, в виде сообщил by the Financial Times.

“Who decided that our currencies were weak or valueless in other countries?” Lula questioned during his speech. “Why can’t a bank like that of the BRICS have a currency to finance trade relations between Brazil and China or Brazil and other countries? It’s difficult because we are unaccustomed [to the thought]. Everyone depends on just one currency," добавил он.

Lula’s statements come after China подписал a new deal with Brazil and completed its first Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) payment in yuan. Russia has also been committed to settling trades using other countries’ currencies. Более того, BRICS members (Бразилия, Россия, Индия, Китай, and South Africa) находятся working towards creating a new BRICS-based reserve currency. In Shanghai, Lula voiced his curiosity about the world’s dependence on the greenback.

“I ask myself every night why all countries have to base their trade on the dollar,” Lula emphasized. “Why can’t we trade using our own currencies? Who decided that the dollar would be the dominant currency after the gold standard disappeared?” he inquired.

Financial Times reporters Joe Leahy and Hudson Lockett concluded their report on Lula’s statements by noting that any efforts to undermine the U.S. currency “in the near term will face a substantial challenge.” They highlighted that Brazilian miners regularly engage in dollar-denominated trades. Однако, officials from Brazil and the BRICS nations are not alone in discussing the potential decline of the dollar’s dominance.

The Philippines’ central bank governor, Felipe Medalla, недавно упомянул in an interview that the greenback’s prominence will gradually diminish. “We want a multi-currency world, but so far, other currencies do not have the necessary international markets to support [Это]. This is the advantage of the U.S. dollar – there’s a vast market for government securities,” Medalla stated. “I think over time, the dollar will be less and less dominant, but it’s happening very slowly," добавил он.

Теги в этой истории
Бразилия, BRICS Bank, central bank governor, Challenges, Китай, валюты, отклонить, dependence, Developing Countries, discussions, Доминирование, Felipe Medalla, financial systems, финансовые времена, Глобальная экономика, global reserve currency, Gold Standard, government securities, доллар США, Hudson Lockett, Индия, international markets, Joe Leahy, сжиженный природный газ, LNG, multi-currency world, national currencies, New Development Bank, obstacles, оплата, филиппинский, President Lula, reporters, резервная валюта, Россия, Шанхай, Южная Африка, торговля, Сделки, Доллар США, Юань

​​Do you think a shift away from the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency is inevitable, and what impact do you believe this would have on the global economy and financial systems? Поделитесь своими мыслями по этому поводу в разделе комментариев ниже..

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