Berkshire Hathaway Уоррена Баффета предупреждает о веб-сайте криптобиржи, использующем его имя

The Warren Buffett-led Berkshire Hathaway has issued a statement warning that a cryptocurrency exchange website is using its name. The company stressed that the crypto firm has no affiliation with Berkshire Hathaway Inc. or its chairman and CEO, Warren E. Buffett….

На фоне самой высокой инфляции в США в 40 Годы, Администрация Байдена винит в росте цен судоходную отрасль

During the last few months, inflation has risen significantly in the United States as it has climbed at its fastest pace since 1982. Data shows younger families with children have been struggling to make ends meet, while reports further indicate retirees