ユニスワップ検閲 253 犯罪のブラックリストに登録された暗号アドレス, 制裁協会

最近公開されたレポートによると, 分散型取引所 (デックス) Uniswap は大まかにブロックしました 253 犯罪または政府の制裁に関連しているとされる仮想通貨アドレス. The information was discovered by the software developer Banteg who analyzed and saved the shared logs from Uniswap’s server.


30 の外へ 253 Blocked Addresses Are ENS Domain Names, Uniswap Labels 7 Types of Risk Factor Categories

8月に 19, the software developer and Yearn Finance contributor Banteg published a Twitter thread that claims the dex Uniswap blocks 253 crypto addresses. “Uniswap has provided an unusual level of transparency,” Banteg said in regard to “frontend censoring via TRM Labs.” Uniswap 提携した with TRM Labs in mid-April and the firm blacklists crypto addresses that may be associated with sanctions and crypto crimes.

Uniswap Censors 253 Crypto Addresses Blacklisted for Crime, Sanction Associations
Github repo screenshot shared by Banteg on August 19, 2022.

The same month, レポート appeared that indicated a few innocent Uniswap users were affected by the TRM Labs-gated front end. 当時の, no one was sure about exactly how many crypto addresses were blacklisted by Uniswap’s TRM Labs-gated front end. Banteg says there are 253 住所 と 30 addresses are ENS domain names. The developer also noted that there are seven different types of risk factor categories and two risk levels.

“Both ownership and being a counterparty of a ‘bad’ address are checked and can contribute to blocking,” Banteg 書きました. According to Banteg, the data “wasn’t meant to be public” but the developer noted that people could still have an “exclusive look at the very first [TRM Labs] leak, courtesy of Uniswap.”

Smart Contracts and Code Are Defi, Not the Web Platforms That Host Them

The news follows the recent 私たち. government ban of Tornado Cash, the ethereum mixing protocol that leverages Coinjoin and ZKsnark technology. After Tornado Cash was banned an open source developer was 逮捕された, Github code was erased, Tornado Cash Github codebase contributors were suspended, and the project’s Discord server was deleted.

Uniswap Censors 253 Crypto Addresses Blacklisted for Crime, Sanction Associations

でも, the non-profit that focuses on policy issues facing crypto assets, Coin Center, believes the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) “overstepped its legal authority.” Coin Center is researching the legalities of the Tornado Cash ban and plans to “engage” with OFAC to discuss the matter.

Uniswap Censors 253 Crypto Addresses Blacklisted for Crime, Sanction Associations

While Uniswap has been updating its TRM Labs-gated front end, there’s likely a whole lot more crypto companies and decentralized finance (定義) protocols following the same measures. For instance, 8月に 8, パンテグ 明らかに that the Centre Consortium, the stablecoin issuer operated by Circle Financial and Coinbase Global, ブラックリスト入り 75,000 USDC that belonged to Tornado Cash users.

“I think this is the first case when a pool has been frozen and not an individual account,” Banteg said at the time.

The issues surrounding Tornado Cash and the precautions taken by defi teams like Uniswap, expose the underlying weakness in so-called ‘decentralized finance’ protocols and whether or not they truly are decentralized.

Uniswap Censors 253 Crypto Addresses Blacklisted for Crime, Sanction Associations

Even before Tornado Cash was banned by the U.S. 政府, Tornado Cash developers ブラックリスト入り an OFAC-listed ethereum address using a Chainalysis oracle contract. さらに, 7月に 2021, users criticized Uniswap for blocking over 100 トークン from the main interface.

Uniswap Censors 253 Crypto Addresses Blacklisted for Crime, Sanction Associations

During both these instances, crypto users discussed how they could simply leverage Tornado Cash code or Uniswap’s smart contracts and mirror sites to bypass these types of restrictions. The fact is that Uniswap is a company registered in the U.S. and the frontend, or website, is owned by the U.S. entity. In time, people may want to clarify that defi web portals are not decentralized, and the only things that could be classified as such would be the smart contracts and code.

パンテグ, ブラックリスト入り 75000 USDC, センターコンソーシアム, コード, コインジョイン, 犯罪, 暗号犯罪, 分散型, DeFi, OFAC, OFAC禁止, 制裁, スマートコントラクト, いわゆるデフィ, トルネードキャッシュ, TRMラボ, TRM Labs ゲートのフロントエンド, ユニスワップ, ユニスワップ アドレス, Uniswap フロントエンド, 米国政府の禁止, ゼクスナークス

What do you think about the dex Uniswap blocking 253 crypto addresses? 以下のコメントセクションで、この件についてのご意見をお聞かせください.


Jamie Redman は、Bitcoin-Tidings.com News のニュース リードであり、フロリダに住む金融技術ジャーナリストです。. レッドマンは以来、暗号通貨コミュニティの積極的なメンバーです。 2011. 彼はビットコインに情熱を持っています, オープンソース コード, および分散型アプリケーション. 9月以降 2015, レッドマンはより多くのことを書いています 5,700 Bitcoin-Tidings.com の記事 今日出現している破壊的なプロトコルに関するニュース.

画像クレジット: シャッターストック, Pixabay, ウィキ・コモンズ

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