イエレン財務長官は、暗号規制は責任あるイノベーションをサポートする必要があると述べています, リスクを管理する

イエレン財務長官は、米国の暗号資産に対する規制の枠組みについて述べています。. したほうがいい “リスクを管理しながら、責任あるイノベーションをサポートします。” 彼女は強調した, “規制はリスクと活動に基づくべきである, 特定の技術ではありません。”

Treasury Secretary Yellen on Crypto Regulation

私たち. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen talked about crypto regulation Thursday at American Universitys Kogod School of Business Center for Innovation.

Digital assets may be relatively new, but they are part of a larger trendthe digitization of financethat has been in the making for decades,” she began.

Yellen mentioned a wide range of topics relating to bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, including how Bitcoin got started, Satoshi Nakamoto, the Bitcoin white paper, decentralized peer-to-peer systems, the double-spend problem, ビットコイン’s volatility, and crypto adoption. さらに, she referenced President Joe Bidens recent executive order on the regulation of crypto assets.

The treasury secretary proceeded to share some lessons thatapply as we navigate the opportunities and challenges posed by these emerging technologies,” she described, adding that one of the lessons isWhen regulation fails to keep pace with innovation, vulnerable people often suffer the greatest harm.

She also discussed stablecoins. “Of course, stablecoins are just one piece of a much larger ecosystem of digital assets,” イエレンは言った, 精緻化:

Our regulatory frameworks should be designed to support responsible innovation while managing risksespecially those that could disrupt the financial system and economy.

As banks and other traditional financial firms become more involved in digital asset markets, regulatory frameworks will need to appropriately reflect the risks of these new activities,” she detailed. “And, new types of intermediaries, such as digital asset exchanges and other digital native intermediaries, should be subject to appropriate forms of oversight.

さらに, Yellen opined:

規制はリスクと活動に基づくべきである, not specific technologies.

When new technologies enable new activities, products, and services, financial regulations need to adjust,” she stressed. “But, that process should be guided by the risks associated with the services provided to households and businesses, not the underlying technology. Wherever possible, regulation should betech neutral.’

3月, Yellen admitted that crypto has benefits, noting that the Treasury is working on crypto regulation. “Crypto has obviously grown by leaps and bounds and its now playing a significant role, not really so much in transactions, but in investment decisions of lots of Americans,” she said.

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