
代替不可能なトークンの最大のマーケットプレイス (NFT), 公海, NFTエコシステムの変化に応じて、料金体系とポリシーの大幅な変更を発表しました. The company detailed that it will drop fees to zero for a limited time

Italian Parliament Approves 26% Tax for Cryptocurrency Gains in 2023 Budget Law

The Italian Parliament has introduced a 26% capital tax on cryptocurrency gains as part of the 2023 budget law, which was approved on Dec. 29. The document also offers incentives for taxpayers to declare their cryptocurrency holdings, proposing a 3.5% aliquot

分散型 Web3 プロトコルのゴールデン レイズ $40 A16z が支援するミリオン

Golden, a startup that seeks to build a decentralized data hub, 上げた $40 million dollars in a Series B funding round. The round, which was led by a16z crypto, will allow the company to keep building its concept, which revolves