USDCの時価総額が交差するにつれて、ステーブルコイン経済は急成長を続けます $50 十億

As the entire lot of 12,333 digital currencies hovers just above $1.8 trillion in value, the stablecoin economy has recently swelled to $178.8 billion or 9.9% of the entire crypto economy. Out of the top five stablecoins, usdコイン (USDC) saw its market capitalization jump the most, 増加する 18.9% 最後の 30 日々. の 18.9% increase has pushed USDCs market capitalization above the $50 billion mark.


USDC Market Cap Rises Above $50 十億, Stablecoin Represents 2.83% of the Crypto Economys USD Value

Stablecoins continue to grow in 2022, as numerous fiat-pegged token projects have seen their issuance levels increase during the first month of the year. 執筆時点では, the USD value of all the stablecoins today is $178.8 十億.

テザー (USDT) is the largest stablecoin project in terms of market capitalization, with a valuation of around $78.5 十億. USDTs overall valuation represents 4.34% of the entire crypto economy’s $1.8 兆. テザー, でも, saw no growth during the last month as the overall valuation has remained static.

USDC, on the other hand, has grown 18.9% 最後に 30 days and the market valuation is now over $50 十億. USDC’s market capitalization is 2.83% of the entire crypto economys USD value.

Both USDT and USDC combined represent 7.17% of the fiat value of all the coins in existence today. While these caps are much smaller than bitcoin’s (BTC) 39.2% dominance and ethereum’s (ETH) 17.7% dominance, they still represent the third and fifth largest crypto valuations.

Stablecoin FRAX Grew More Than 36% Last Month

その間, out of the top five stablecoins by market cap, the third-largest USD-pegged token, BUSD, saw its capitalization increase by 12.7% に $16.2 billion this month. テラ’s stablecoin UST increased by 9.8% に $11.3 billion in 30 日々.

メーカーダオ’s DAI saw its $9.2 billion market capitalization increase by 1.1% 先月. The Avalanche-based magic internet money (ミム) saw its $2.8 billion valuation slide 37.2% lower than it was last month. The seventh, eighth, and ninth-largest stablecoin markets saw their market caps rise.

The seventh-largest USD-pegged coin frax (フラックス) has a market capitalization of $2.6 billion which has increased 36.2% during the last month. Trueusd’s (TUSD) cap spiked 17.7%, and pax dollar (USDP) rose by 3.3% 最後に 30 日々.

The tenth-largest stablecoin, fei usd (FEI), has decreased by 26.3% 先月. Both FRAX and USDC saw the largest increases last month.

What do you think about the stablecoin economys increase during the last month and USDCs rise past $50 十億? 以下のコメントセクションで、この件についてのご意見をお聞かせください.