ロシア, トップの米国 3 暗号関連の脅威の場合, サイバーセキュリティレポートが発表

Threats related to cryptocurrency have followed prices, decreasing significantly after the market slump in May, suggests a recent report released by a leading internet security firm. Detections fell by almost a quarter but Russia remains the most affected country, with the


火曜日に, the fast food restaurant chain Burger King announced the company has launched a non-fungible token (NFT) campaign called theKeep It Real Meals” 主導権. The campaign is in collaboration with the NFT marketplace Sweet and will feature celebrities like


The non-fungible token (NFT) industry has exploded in 2021 as millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrencies continue to be traded for these blockchain collectibles every single day. 今週, Bitcoin.com News chatted with the popular American rapper Ja Rule about NFTs

US SECは、「一部の投資家はFOMOを持っている可能性がある」と引用して暗号投資詐欺に関する警告を発します

アメリカ. 証券取引委員会 (SEC) has issued a warning about fraudulent investment schemes involving cryptocurrencies. The regulator notes that some investors may have fear of missing out (FOMO) given the rise in prices of some crypto assets in recent