米国上院議員: 「アメリカ競争法」は暗号業界への直接攻撃です, 政府は勝者と敗者を選んでいます

私たち. シンシア・ラミス上院議員は、最近導入された “2022年のアメリカ競合法” 暗号産業への直接攻撃です. “私は傍観せず、政府の権力に勝者と敗者を選ばせるつもりはありません,” she stressed….

AppleのCEOが暗号を所有している– Tim Cookは、「多様なポートフォリオの一部として所有するのは合理的だ」と考えています

The CEO of the tech giant Apple, Tim Cook disclosed that he owns cryptocurrency and said that he thinks its reasonable to own it as part of a diversified portfolio.Cooks statements stemmed from an appearance with the New York Times


いくつかの米国. lawmakers have called on Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell to support cryptocurrency innovation. “The Federal Reserve must work to support domestic innovationOur government should never be in the business of thwarting innovation.Members of Congress Urge Fed


いくつかの米国. lawmakers see Chinas authoritarian crackdown on cryptocurrency, ビットコインを含む, なので “a perfect opportunity for American leadership on cryptocurrency.One senator noted that it isa reminder of our huge structural advantage over China.US Lawmakers Comment on Chinas Cryptocurrency