Pakistan Banks to Use Blockchain Technology for KYC

Banks in Pakistan plan to launch an electronic platform for know-your-customer procedures that will be operating on a national level. The blockchain-based system will allow them to exchange the personal information of customers through what they describe as a decentralized and

Gold Bug Schiff Says ‘The Months of Declining Inflation Are in the Review Mirror,’ AI Crypto Assets Surge, and More — Week in Review

Economist and gold enthusiast Peter Schiff has said that the U.S. Fed may have to fight acomplete economic collapseand be faced with more to worry about than the current battle against inflation. In other news, artificial intelligence (AI) 暗号…

アメリカ銀行, ゴールドマン・サックス, JPモルガン, さらなるFRB利上げに関するUBS株価の予測

アメリカ銀行, ゴールドマン・サックス, JPモルガン, and UBS have shared their predictions about the Federal Reserve raising interest rates further. Bank of America and Goldman Sachs, for example, now expect the Fed to raise interest rates three more times this year….

Coinbase CEO Urges Congress to Pass Clear Crypto Legislation — Warns America Risks Losing Financial Hub Status

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has called on Congress to pass clear crypto legislation, warning that the U.S. risks losing its status as a financial hub. “Crypto is open to everyone in the world and others are leading,” the executive stressed. Coinbase’s

バークシャーのチャーリー・マンガー氏は、「ばかげている」と誰でも仮想通貨を買うだろうと言う — 「それは絶対的な恐怖だ」

ウォーレン・バフェット’s right-hand man and the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, チャーリー・マンガー, says people who oppose banning cryptocurrencies areidiots,” adding that it’s “just ridiculousanybody would buy crypto. He also likened replacing national currencies to replacing air, stating that


2月に. 10, 2023, 共和党のパトリック・マクヘンリー氏(ノースカロライナ州)とビル・ハイゼンガ氏(ミシガン州), どちらも米国のメンバー. 衆議院, 証券取引委員会に書簡を送りました (SEC) ゲイリー・ゲンスラー会長は逮捕について答えを求めている…

US Judge Dismisses Customer Lawsuit Against Crypto Exchange Coinbase

A U.S. district judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Coinbase and its CEO Brian Armstrong filed by customers of the crypto exchange. The lawsuit alleges that Coinbase sold 79 crypto tokens that are unregistered securities. Customer Lawsuit Against Coinbase Dismissed A

US Senator Focused on Crypto Money Laundering Crackdown — Urges Congress, Regulators to Take Action

私たち. Senator Elizabeth Warren has called on Congress to ensure regulators, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), have the tools to regulate the crypto industry effectively and crack down on crypto money laundering activities. “The current legal structure essentially


モルガン・スタンレーのジェームズ・ゴーマン最高経営責任者(CEO)は、最近2つの変化が起こったと語った。 “本当に重要” 経済への. 同幹部は、インフレは明らかにピークに達しており、中国はインフレを加速させたと説明した。 “選考科目, 主要なピボット” 経済的に. モルガン・スタンレーの米国担当CEO. 経済性と…

NYU Professor ‘Dr. Doom’ Says 99% of Crypto Is a Scam — Tells Investors to ‘Absolutely Stay Away’

NYU Professor Nouriel Roubini, aka Dr. Doom, has warned that “99.99% of crypto is a scam, a criminal activity, a total real-bubble Ponzi scheme that is going bust.He advised investors toabsolutely stay awayfrom crypto, claiming that most people