ApecoinはPolygonと統合します, DAO理事会メンバーはネイティブAPEチェーンは決して議論されなかったと言います

Following one of the largest non-fungible token (NFT) mints in history and after apecoin transactions from the sale fueled Ethereum network fees, apecoin is now integrated with the Polygon (マチック) 通信網. 5月 2, the Apecoin project announced that with Polygon

ウィズダムツリー: 暗号は人々が無視できない新しい資産クラスです

An executive at Wisdomtree, an asset management firm with $78 billion under management, says thatCryptocurrencies have firmly established themselves as a new asset class and it truly is something that people cant ignore.” 彼が追加した: “We are past the point


The crypto industry is lobbying U.S. lawmakers against two bills aimed at preventing Russian oligarchs from using cryptocurrency to avoid sanctions. アメリカ. and many other countries placed sanctions on them after Russia began its invasion of Ukraine. Bills Preventing Wealthy


Shaun Maguire, a crypto partner of Sequoia Capital, one of the venture capital firms most active when it comes to investments in the cryptocurrency space, issued its opinion on the future of many VCs investing in crypto. To him, many of

攻撃者は盗む $80 ラリキャピタルのヒューズプラットフォームから数百万, フェイプロトコルは悪用に苦しんでいます

According to a report from the blockchain company Blocsec, Rari Capitals Fuse platform has lost roughly $80 million from areentrancy vulnerability.On Saturday, Fei Protocols official Twitter account confirmed it lost funds from the Rari Fuse platform exploit. $80 100万…


Following the confusion that surrounded initial reports, a senior staffer in the Central African Republic (車)’s presidency has now confirmed that bitcoin will become the countrys reference currency. First Country in Africa to Officially Adopt Bitcoin A press statement supposedly issued

フォートワースは市庁舎でビットコインを採掘しています, 市長は地域を技術に優しい都市に変えたいと考えています

火曜日に, Fort Worth mayor Mattie Parker and Fort Worth revealed that the city is now the first U.S. city government in the country to mine bitcoin. According to the announcement, the city of Fort Worth has partnered with the Texas

世界市場がCovidとホーキッシュFRBに惑わされている間, マスクがツイッターを購入した後の株式と暗号のリバウンド

ウォール街は月曜日の朝、主要な米国として苦しんだ.. 株価指数はさらに下落, 先週集められた損失に基づいて構築. 報告書は、投資家が今後の連邦準備制度理事会の利上げと中国について懸念していることを示しています’最近のCovid-19の発生. As equities floundered on

報告する: Twitterがイーロン・マスクとの交渉に参加, アナリストは、2番目の入札者が現れない限りマスクは会社を買収すると言います

According to multiple reports stemming from people familiar with the matter, Twitter has been engaged in negotiations with Elon Musk over his proposal to purchase the social media platform for $46.5 十億. Sources detail that a number of Twitter shareholders allegedly


A16z, also known as Andreessen Horowitz, the venture capital (VC) company that has invested millions in crypto-related projects, has announced the launch of its own crypto research lab. This new initiative seeks to marry academic research with producing ideas and putting