Binance CEOは、彼とWarren Buffettが同様の投資戦略を使用していると述べていますが、Buffettには暗号を安全に保つスキルがあると疑っています

The CEO of cryptocurrency exchange Binance says that he and Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett share a similar investment strategy. でも, he said he would not convince the Oracle of Omaha to invest in cryptocurrency. “I get worried if he uses


Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk has raised concerns with cryptocurrency exchange Binance about its dogecoin issue. Musk calls the situationshady,” それを追加 “DOGE holders using Binance should be protected from errors that are not their fault.Both Binance CEO


Shiba inu supporters are petitioning on for the trading platform Robinhood to list the shiba inu token for trading. Robinhood currently lists the meme cryptocurrency dogecoin which made up 62% of the companys crypto trading volume in Q2. Petition to


イーロン・マスク’s electric car company, テスラ, has informed the U.S. 証券取引委員会 (SEC) in a quarterly filing that it may restart the practice of transacting in cryptocurrencies for its products and services. Tesla suspended accepting bitcoin in May, citing

イーロン・マスクがドージコインを支持する本当の理由を明らかにする, テスラとスペースXの多くの人々がドージを所有していると言います

Elon Musk has revealed the real reason he supports the meme cryptocurrency dogecoin. He shared that a lot of people he talks to at his companies, テスラとスペースX, own dogecoin, noting thatit felt like the peoples crypto.Lots of

ムスクがドージの改善について言及している間, Dogecoin開発者は引き続きスケーリングの懸念に対処します

日曜日に, イーロン・マスクは、ドージコイン財団との関係について話し、いくつかの改善点について言及しました。’Dogecoin Core を介して実装されることを望みます’のコードベース. その間, Github metrics show developers have been working on Dogecoin Core during the last few

マークキューバンはビットコインETFに投資しません, BTCを直接購入することを好む

The owner of the NBA team Dallas Mavericks, マーク・キューバン, 言った “noto investing in bitcoin-based exchange-traded funds (ETF), one of which could start trading next week in the U.S. The Shark Tank star does not see a reason for

AMCシアターズはドージコインの受け入れを模索しています: DOGEの投票結果に魅了されたCEO

AMC Theatres chain is exploring how to accept dogecoin alongside four other cryptocurrencies. AMCs CEO conducted a poll on Twitter and was overwhelmed by the results and enthusiasm of the dogecoin community. “これ’s clear that you think AMC should accept dogecoin….