Bahamas Regulator Appoints ‘Big Four’ Auditor PWC as Joint Provisional FTX Liquidator

11月に. 14, 2022, the Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB) published a press release that explains the ‘Big Four’ accounting firm PWC (Pricewaterhousecoopers) has been designated as provisional liquidator in the FTX investigation. The SCB detailed that “given the magnitude”


ブロックチェーン分析会社Argusからのレポートによると, サム・バンクマン=フライド’の取引会社アラメダ・リサーチがFTX.com上場に先立ってトークンを取得. 報告書は、アラメダが大まかに買収したと主張している $60 デジタル資産がスケジュールされる前に数百万相当のトークン…


A team of financial investigators” are currently investigating the now-defunct crypto exchange FTX, the Royal Bahamas Police Force said in a statement shared on Sunday. The police noted that the financial investigators were searching to see if “any criminal misconduct occurred.”

チャプターの問題のある暗号交換 FTX ファイル 11 破産保護, CEOが辞任

The embattled crypto exchange FTX has informed the public that the FTX parent firm West Realm Shires Services, アラメダリサーチ, and approximately 130 additional affiliated companies have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in Delaware. FTX’s Parent Company, アラメダリサーチ, と…

報告する: 南アフリカの企業が「CryptoWaterToken」を発表—1億5,000万ドルの投資を受け取る

The South African company behind the so-calledcrypto water tokenis reported to have secured an investment of $150 million from a Bahamas-based digital asset management company, GEM Digital. Initially available on decentralized exchanges only, the H2ON token was recently listed


プレスリリース. An emerging NFT company, The Crypto Card Club, has developed an innovative system that aims to recognise and reward investors by merging real-world reward point systems with NFT and Web3 purchases. The groundbreaking service financially rewards holders for their