錬金術の支払いを介してフィアット支払いを追加する雪崩 (ACH) 統合

プレスリリース. Avalanche has announced the integration of flexible fiat payment on-ramps on their network, thanks to a new integration with Alchemy Pay. Alchemy Pay is a payment solution that bridges fiat and crypto economies and it will now offer support


SBIグループ, 東京を拠点とする金融サービス企業グループ, 日本, 7つの異なるデジタル通貨で構成される暗号資産ファンドの立ち上げを発表しました. 日本企業が立ち上げた仮想通貨ファンドにはビットコインが含まれる, イーサリアム, xrp, ライトコイン, ビットコイン…

ビットワイズCIOは10万ドルのビットコインを予測するのが難しいと言っています, イーサリアムを「年間最優秀資産」と呼ぶ

While theres been an awful lot of calls for bitcoin to reach six-digits in value in 2021, as the end of the year draws closer, それはしません’t seem like $100K per bitcoin will happen. Bitwise Asset Managements chief investment officer Matt


プレスリリース. LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA: The GoCrypto project always strives to bring crypto payments into the mainstream. The upgraded solution dubbed GoCrypto 2.0 enables true decentralized payments where the merchant can accept virtually any currency and receive the settlement in its desired

Crypto DerivativesPowerhousePhemexが巨大な取引コンテストを開始 $750,000 賞金プール

Some say trading is a game of luck; others view it as an adventure sport. Just like athletes love performing mind-blowing maneuvers, そこの’s a thrill that comes with executing the perfect trade, For those newer to the scene, trading competitions allow

ロシア人が行う暗号取引の年間量は $5 十億, ロシア中央銀行が発見

With the growing capitalization of the crypto economy, Russians have been making crypto transactions worth billions of dollars a year, data gathered by the Central Bank of Russia shows. Russian residents are some of the most active participants in the crypto

NFLフットボールスターオデルベッカムジュニアギビングアウェイ $1 ビットコインで数百万人、BTCで彼の新しい給​​料を受け取る

私たち. football Star Odell Beckham Jr. is taking his new salary in bitcoin and is giving away $1 million in the cryptocurrency in partnership with Squares Cash App. “To all my fans out there … 私’m giving back a total of

イーサリアムvs. L1料金が上昇し続ける中、Avaxソーシャルメディアの戦いは激怒

The Ethereum scaling wars are raging on social media due to the problems that this chain is facing, with fees on layer one (L1) at very high levels. Zhu Su, CEO of Three Arrows Capital, a notable crypto VC company, 発表した…