NFTセールスクライム 464% の 3 月, 餅市場は10億ドル近く, クリプトパンク #7804 750万ドルで販売

The market history of non-fungible token (NFT) sales has been steadily expanding during the last three months, according to statistics from nonfungible.coms historical market data. NFT sales over the past three months have increased by 464% since June 27 and the Binance Smart Chain NFT market called Mochi Marketplace is nearing close to a billion dollars in sales.


NFT Sales Climb Steadily Over Last 3 月

Nonfungible.coms all-time market statistics across the last three months indicate that NFT sales have risen 464.53% since the end of June. 今日’s top five NFT markets according to metrics from include Opensea, アクシー・インフィニティ, クリプトパンクス, Mochi Marketplace, and NBA Top Shot.

The leading NFT marketplace Opensea is very close to surpassing $10 billion in all-time sales as metrics show Opensea has seen $9.7 billion settled to date. The popular Sky Mavis-crafted, blockchain-based game Axie Infinity is the second-largest NFT market in terms of sales with $2.74 billion in all-time sales. Below Axie Infinity is the collection called Cryptopunks with $1.53 billion in all-time sales among 5,157 traders.

アクシー・インフィニティ’s trader count is a whopping 899,154 traders and Opensea has seen 593,184 traders (unique addresses). A market that has recently made it into the top five NFT marketplace standings is the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) NFT market called Mochi Marketplace. The BSC-based marketplace for NFT sales has seen $748 million to date, and is awfully close to capturing a billion for the first time.

Only three NFT markets (公海, アクシー・インフィニティ, and Cryptopunks) in the ecosystem today have crossed over $1 billion in sales. さらに, Mochi Marketplace only accounts for 4,271 traders which is less than Cryptopunkstrader count.

Fractional NFTs Command Liquidity, 2 Cryptopunks Rake in Over $14 100万, Ringers #109 Settles for Close to $7 100万

10月に 26, the top five fractional NFTs includeThe Doge NFT,” “Etherrock #72,” “Feisty Doge NFT,” “PUNK Floor,” と “Ether Rock ID 70.The NFTsladypunk,” “APE Punk,” “Dissected Meebit #10761,” “Antique Zombie Shards,” と “Bored Unshaven Dagger Set,” follow respectively.

Two Cryptopunks made this weeks top sales asCryptopunk #7804sold for $7.56 million andCryptoPunk #3100sold for $7.51 100万. An NFT from the Artblocks series, “Ringers #109,sold this week for $6.93 100万, positioning itself as the third-largest NFT sale this week.

Seven-day statistics indicate the top five collections this week are Axie Infinity, クリプトパンクス, Boonji Project, ボアドエイプヨットクラブ (ベイク), and Inertial Moment.

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