JPモルガン・チェースのジェイミー・ダイモン最高経営責任者(CEO)は、仮想通貨をペットの石になぞらえる — さらなる規制を求める

JPモルガン・チェースのジェイミー・ダイモン最高経営責任者(CEO)は、暗号トークンはペットの岩のようなものだと語る. 幹部はまた、暗号規制を強化する必要があると考えています, 述べる: “The regulators who beat up on banks should maybe focus a little more on crypto.”


JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon Compares Crypto to Pet Rocks

The chairman and CEO of global investment bank JPMorgan Chase, ジェイミー・ダイモン, talked about crypto and its regulation following the collapse of crypto exchange FTX in an interview with CNBC Tuesday.

He was asked whether the FTX meltdown is contained and does not matter or whether he believes it is a symbol of something larger that is happening in the economy. The JPMorgan boss said:

Crypto is a complete sideshow, okay, and you guys spend too much time on it. I’ve made my views perfectly clear about crypto tokens are like pet rocks, and people are hyping this stuff up.

Pet rocks are just rocks in custom cardboard boxes, marketed as live rocks in 1975. 以上 1 million pet rocks were sold for $4 each and the fad lasted about six months.

Commenting on U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen 述べる that the FTX collapse was “a Lehman moment within crypto,” the JPMorgan chief executive opined: “I don’t think she meant a Lehman moment … Crypto is worth a trillion dollars.”

Dimon also believes that crypto regulation should be strengthened. “The other thing the American public should look at … if you look at all the buying and selling, so if bitcoin is worth like under a trillion dollars today, and we’re not even sure that is a real market by the way, that 20 に 30 billion of ransomware a year that we know about, 20 に 30 billion of exchange costs that we know about, lots of AML anti-terrorism financing, tax avoidance, sex trafficking, in which what why we allow this stuff to take place," 彼は続けた, 強調する:

I think, ほら, the regulators who beat up on banks should maybe focus a little more on crypto.

While downplaying the significance of cryptocurrency, Dimon reiterated his belief in blockchain technology, 述べる:

That doesn’t mean blockchain is not real. That doesn’t mean smart contracts won’t be real or Web 3.0 but crypto currencies that don’t do anything, I don’t understand why people are spending time.

Dimon has long been a critic of bitcoin and crypto. 九月に, he told Congress that crypto tokens like bitcoin are “decentralized Ponzi schemes.” He previously said bitcoin is worthless and has warned people to be careful when investing in cryptocurrencies citing that they have no intrinsic value. In May last year, he personally advised investors to “stay away” from cryptocurrency. While Dimon is skeptical of crypto, his investment bank, JPモルガン, has been 募集 a number of crypto investments to clients.

ジェイミー・ダイモン, ジェイミー・ダイモン・ビットコイン, ジェイミー・ダイモン・クリプト, ジェイミー・ダイモン暗号通貨, ジェイミー・ダイモン FTX, ジェイミー・ダイモン FTX崩壊, ジェイミー・ダイモン SBF, JPモルガン・チェース暗号, JPモルガン・チェースの暗号通貨, JPモルガン・チェースFTX, JPモルガン・チェースSBF

What do you think about the comments by JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon? 以下のコメントセクションでお知らせください.


オーストリア経済学の学生, ケビンがビットコインを発見 2011 それ以来ずっとエバンジェリストです. 彼の関心はビットコインのセキュリティにあります, オープンソース システム, ネットワーク効果と経済学と暗号の交差点.

画像クレジット: シャッターストック, Pixabay, ウィキ・コモンズ

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