Gamefi Project Oasys、YGG とのパートナーシップを通じて日本でのブロックチェーン ゲームの成長を目指す

Oasys, a gaming-oriented, Japan-based Web3 project, is partnering with YGG, a blockchain gaming guild, to grow blockchain gaming in Japan. The partnership encompasses the use of YGG resources to promote gaming projects built on top of the Oasys ecosystem, giving developers from all over the world an opportunity to get into Japan’s gaming market.


Oasys Aims to Open Japan’s Gaming Markets to Developers Worldwide

Oasys, a gamefi-oriented blockchain (with “gamefi” meaning basically the intersection of gaming and finance), is aiming to leverage its stance as a Japan-based project to offer resources for foreign developers to access this significant gaming market. 11月に. 2, 会社 発表した a partnership with YGG, a gaming guild, that will allow products built using Oasys’ services to enjoy specific marketing and promotional help to improve the performance of these products in Japan.

The goal of Oasys is to grow the blockchain gaming ecosystem in Japan, which is one of the leading gaming markets in the world. According to the “Global Markets Report 2021,” made by Newzoo, Japan is currently the third largest market in gaming revenue around the world, behind China and the U.S. The sector registered gaming revenues of $22.9 billion in 2021, と 75.62 million players actively enjoying these experiences.

Oasys founder and CEO Daiki Moriyama reinforced the importance of Japan as part of the future of blockchain gaming. これについて, he stated:

As the third largest gaming market in the world, Japan’s gaming credentials are well-established. With the government continuing to invest in building the local Web3 infrastructure, there is now tremendous potential for blockchain gaming to grow globally with Japan serving as a launchpad.

Difficulties of Entering the Japanese Gaming Market

Oasys wants to capitalize on the difficulties that foreign companies face when trying to enter the Japanese market. Around 99% of the games played in Japan are local, and while the 収益 made is huge, それだけ 15% goes to foreign companies. This is because localization is more than just language translation, and can involve changes in games to better approach the Japanese user base.

Tetsuya Fujiwara, a co-founder of YGG Japan, seems positive about what YGG can offer to developers outside of Japan through this alliance. Fujiwara believes that YGG will help global developers to overcome the hurdles that the market presents by using its knowledge of gaming. He stated:

With these barriers to entry reduced, we can bring more users into the blockchain gaming space and enhance the ecosystem for all. Our partnership with Oasys will help us to reach even more developers that are building compelling blockchain games of the future.

This partnership comes after Oasys 発表した it was launching phase one of its mainnet on Oct. 25, with the support of companies like Bandai Namco, スクウェアエニックス, ユービーアイソフト, and Sega.

bandai namco, blockchain gaming, Daiki Moriyama, ゲーム, 日本, localization, oasys, sega, スクウェアエニックス, tetsuya fujiwara, ユービーアイソフト, YGG

What do you think about Oasys’ partnership with YGG? 以下のコメントセクションで教えてください.


セルジオはベネズエラを拠点とする暗号通貨ジャーナリストです. 彼は自分自身をゲームに遅刻したと説明しています, 12月に価格が上昇したときに暗号圏に参入 2017. コンピュータ工学のバックグラウンドを持つ, ベネズエラ在住, 社会レベルでの暗号通貨ブームの影響を受けている, 彼は、仮想通貨の成功と、それが銀行口座を持たず、十分なサービスを受けていない人々をどのように助けるかについて、異なる視点を提供します.

画像クレジット: シャッターストック, Pixabay, ウィキ・コモンズ

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