
5月 25, seven blocks were reorganized on Ethereum’s Beacon chain at 8:55:23 午前. (UTC) ブロックの高さ 3,887,075 all the way to block 3,887,081. The reorganization was discovered by Martin Köppelmann who noted the “current attestation strategy of nodes should be reconsidered to hopefully result in a more stable chain.”


Ethereum’s Beacon Chain Reorgs

While all eyes have been glued to development surrounding Ethereum’s upcoming transition to proof-of-stake (PoS) via The Merge, the chain that will be crucial to the transition, Ethereum’s Beacon chain, suffered a seven-block deep reorganization.

A blockchain reorganization, otherwise known as a reorg, is basically a chain split and nodes receive blocks from a new chain amid the existence of the old chain. In the case of Ethereum’s Beacon chain, the reorganization occurred at block height 3,887,075 to block 3,887,081.

マルティン・コッペルマン, the co-founder of Gnosis, noticed the event and tweeted about it on social media. “The Ethereum beacon chain experienced a 7-block deep reorg —2.5h ago,” Köppelmann 言った. “This shows that the current attestation strategy of nodes should be reconsidered to hopefully result in a more stable chain… (proposals already exist).” Köppelmann added:

This, unfortunately, shows that the analysis by [Georgios Konstantopoulos] と [Vitalik Buterin] here was too optimistic when the article claimed reorg stability will improve in PoS over PoW. We have not seen 7 block reorgs on Ethereum mainnet in years… At this point, it is unclear whether the reorg we saw was caused by an attack or just unfortunate network conditions.

Vitalik Buterin: ‘Truth-Seeking Is More Important Than Not Giving the Wrong People Rhetorical Ammunition’

After talking about the issue on Twitter, Köppelmann 指摘した that some of the attention his tweet garnered, specifically from Ethereum detractors, made him regret tweeting about it. “However, I think it is a strength of the Ethereum community to openly discuss all challenges, and spend more energy on finding a better solution, instead of spending time defending an issue,” Köppelmann said.

Ethereum’s co-founder Vitalik Buterin responded to Köppelmann’s regret comments and told the Gnosis co-founder not to regret it. “Truth-seeking is more important than ‘not giving the wrong people rhetorical ammunition’ or whatever,” Buterin 言った. “As long as truth-seeking results in action and not just commentary,” one individual responded to Buterin’s statement.

The Ethereum co-founder 答えた: “In this case, client teams have been scrambling to understand the situation so they can figure out what to fix for the last couple of hours — Already some good hypotheses.” Buterin’s reply was tethered to a tweet written by Ethereum developer Preston Vanloon who gave his opinion about the reorg situation. Vanloon 言った:

We suspect this is caused by the implementation of Proposer Boost fork choice has not fully rolled out to the network. This reorg is not an indicator of a flawed fork choice, but a non-trivial segmentation of updated vs out of date client software.

Ethereum’s blockchain reorganization follows both Vanloon and Buterin saying The Merge could be implemented in August. でも, Buterin was quick to follow up his statement by saying there’s always a “risk of problems” and “delays.” He then said that September and October could be possible as well.

Block reorganization, ブロックチェーンの再編, Chain Reorganization, commentary, イーサリアム, Ethereum Co-Founder, Ethereum detractors, Gnosis co-founder, マルティン・コッペルマン, non-trivial segmentation, PoS, 捕虜, Preston Vanloon, プルーフ・オブ・ワーク, プルーフ・オブ・ステーク, Proposer Boost fork, 再編成, reorganization, マージ, Vitalik Buterin

What do you think about Ethereum’s recent seven-block deep reorganization? 以下のコメントセクションで、この件についてのご意見をお聞かせください.


Jamie Redman は、Bitcoin-Tidings.com News のニュース リードであり、フロリダに住む金融技術ジャーナリストです。. レッドマンは以来、暗号通貨コミュニティの積極的なメンバーです。 2011. 彼はビットコインに情熱を持っています, オープンソース コード, および分散型アプリケーション. 9月以降 2015, レッドマンはより多くのことを書いています 5,000 Bitcoin-Tidings.com の記事 今日出現している破壊的なプロトコルに関するニュース.

画像クレジット: シャッターストック, Pixabay, ウィキ・コモンズ

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