
年末が近づいてくると, digital currency values have risen a great deal in 2021 and crypto asset miners have been profiting as a result. According to statistics, the most profitable coin to mine at the end of November is kadena, as an 18 terahash (TH/秒) machine can get up to $326 一日あたり. Scrypt coins are the second most profitable these days with up to $110 per day and Ethash miners can make up to $105 一日あたり.


Kadena, 脚本, エサシュ, and Eaglesong Mining Far More Profitable Than SHA256 Mining

に近い 13 years ago when Bitcoin first launched, the cryptocurrency could be mined with a central processing unit (CPU). This means that anyone with a decent computer at the time could mine and find bitcoin (BTC) 報酬をブロックする. After that phase, people started to leverage devices with specialized electronic circuits called graphics processing units (GPUs).

今日, bitcoin miners utilize application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) devices to mine BTC. Bitcoin mining rigs dedicate processing power to the SHA256 algorithm and this means a bitcoin ASIC mining device cannot mine coins like ethereum, ライトコイン, or kadena.

Those networks leverage different consensus algorithms and theres a slew of machines manufactured to mine specific crypto asset networks with unique consensus algorithms. SHA256 is a consensus algorithm used by Bitcoin, but SHA256 miners can also mine coins like bitcoin cash (BCH), ビットコインv (BSV), ピアコイン (PPC), and unbreakable (UNB).

SHA256 cryptocurrencies are the fifth most profitable to mine at the end of November 2021. The top four most profitable consensus algorithms to mine today include Kadena, 脚本, エサシュ, and Eaglesong.

A Kadena-based ASIC miner can get up to $326 per day with 18 TH/s at $0.12 per kilowatt hour (kWh), according to asicminervalue.com stats. A Scrypt-based miner with 9.5 ギガハッシュ/秒 (GH/秒) can get $110 per day with the same electrical costs.

750 megahash per second (MH/s) ASIC machines mining the algorithm Ethash (イーサリアム, イーサリアムクラシック, pirl) can get up to $52 一日あたり. Eaglesong-based mining rigs that mine nervos (CKB) can get $45 per day with 12 TH/秒.

Next-Generation Mining Rigs for Ethash and SHA256 Are on the Horizon

There are also consensus algorithms such as Blake2bsia, X11, Blake256R14, and Equihash. Blake2bsia compatible mining rigs mine sia (SIA) and handshake (HNS), while X11 compatible rigs mine dash (DASH) and cannabiscoin (CANN). Blake256R14 mines decred (DCR) while Equihash-based machines can mine zcash (ZEC), hush (HUSH), and zencash (ZEN).

SHA256 miners mining bitcoin (BTC) with around 100 TH/s at $0.12 kWhあたり, can get up to $27 per day mining. The top bitcoin miners process at speeds up to 100 TH/s but SHA256 miners with at least 11.5 TH/s can turn a small profit. During the next few months, a number of next-generation miners are slated to launch.

Upcoming mining rig releases that pack a lot more hashpower will be dedicated to consensus algorithms like Ethash and SHA256, according to a few prior announcements. For instance, 7月に 2022, Bitmain is expected to release the Antminer S19 XP (140 TH/秒) and Innosilicons A11 Pro ETH (2,000 MH/s) is reportedly coming soon as well.

What do you think about the top consensus algorithms today and the profits these networks can obtain? 以下のコメントセクションで、この件についてのご意見をお聞かせください.