
ロシアの法執行当局は、ブティルカでの仮想通貨マイニング活動を調査しています, Russia’s oldest prison. 副所長は、身元不明の共犯者の助けを借りてデジタルコインを鋳造するために電気を盗んだとして告発されました.


Deputy Warden Suspected of Mining Cryptocurrency in Moscow Prison

A high-ranking representative of the management of Butyrskaya prison, in the Tverskoy District of central Moscow, is under investigation for setting up a crypto mining farm. Also known as ブチュルカ, this is the oldest prison in Russia, built in the distant 1771.

The coin minting hardware was found in the premises of a psychiatric clinic run by the Federal Penitentiary Service at the prison. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is currently checking one of the deputy wardens for possible abuse of power, the business daily Kommersant reported this week.

The investigators have so far established that the official, together with his accomplices who are yet to be identified, installed the mining equipment in November 2021. The rigs were extracting cryptocurrency until February of this year.

During that period, the machines consumed almost 8,400 kW of electricity paid by the government at a total cost of more than 62,000 ルーブル (close to $1,000). For this, the deputy warden is accused of “actions that clearly go beyond his powers, thereby significantly violating the legally protected interests of the society or the state.”

Crypto mining with subsidized and sometimes stolen electricity has become an attractive source of additional income for many Russians. Regions such as Krasnoyarsk Krai and Irkutsk Oblast, which have historically maintained low electricity rates for the population and public institutions, have become hotspots of the unauthorized activity.

Illegal miners have been blamed for frequent breakdowns and 停電, particularly in residential areas where electrical grids are unable to handle the excessive loads. To deal with the phenomenon, Russia’s anti-monopoly agency recently proposed the introduction of higher electricity rates for home crypto miners.

Raids have been carried out against underground mining operations across the country, with law enforcement agencies recently seizing 以上 1,500 mining rigs from two illegal cryptocurrency farms in Dagestan. One of them was minting cryptocurrency at a pumping station of the Russian republic’s water supply utility.

ブチュルカ, ブチルスカヤ刑務所, 暗号, クリプトファーム, クリプトマイナー, クリプトマイニング, 暗号通貨, 暗号通貨, 違法, 鉱夫, 鉱業, モスクワ, 刑務所, 刑務所, ロシア, ロシア, 看守

What do you think will happen with the Russian prison official accused of illegal crypto mining? 以下のコメントセクションで教えてください.


Lubomir Tassev は、テクノロジーに精通した東ヨーロッパ出身のジャーナリストで、Hitchens の言葉が好きです。: 「作家であることは、私が何であるかです, 私がすることよりも。」暗号のほかに, ブロックチェーンとフィンテック, 国際政治と経済は、他の 2 つのインスピレーションの源です.

画像クレジット: シャッターストック, Pixabay, ウィキ・コモンズ

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