Coinbaseブラックリストオーバー 25,000 ロシアの個人および団体に関連付けられた暗号アドレス

Coinbaseブラックリストオーバー 25,000 ロシアの個人および団体に関連付けられた暗号アドレス

暗号通貨取引所コインベースは同社に対処しました’日曜日に公開されたブログ投稿で、制裁を順守するための米国の手順. 暗号会社は、制裁を尊重することで “国家安全保障の促進における重要な役割” and the acts can help deterunlawful aggression.


Coinbase Intends to Comply With International Sanctions, Chief Legal Officer SaysDigital Assets Have Properties That Naturally Deter Sanctions Evasion

Following the statements of the two chief executives from two of the largest crypto exchanges on the planet, Coinbase has published a ブログ投稿 concerning the companys goals toward promoting sanction compliance. The post was written by Coinbases chief legal officer Paul Grewal and it touched upon the current conflict in Ukraine. 本質的に, the gist of the article highlights thatCoinbase is committed to complying with sanctions.

In the past few weeks, governments around the world have imposed a range of sanctions on individuals and territories in response to Russias invasion of Ukraine,” Grewals post details. “Sanctions play a vital role in promoting national security and deterring unlawful aggression, and Coinbase fully supports these efforts by government authorities. Sanctions are serious interventions, and governments are best placed to decide when, where, and how to apply them.

The Coinbase executives post further explains that crypto assets have specificproperties that naturally deter common approaches to sanctions evasion.This is due to the fact that most blockchains are public, auditable, and traceable. As far as traceability is concerned, Grewal says when applied to public blockchain data, “analytics tools offer law enforcement additional capabilities.” さらに, blockchains have permanence, Grewals blog post summarizes, as the chief legal officer states:

Once recorded on the blockchain, transactions remain immutable. No one (not crypto companies, not governments, not even bad actors) can destroy, alter, or withhold information to evade detection.

Coinbase Has Blocked More Than 25,000 Addresses Tethered to Russian Individuals and Entities

The Coinbase blog post is very much aligned with the large number of corporate entities complying with sanctions and cutting ties with Russia. Over the last 13 日々, companies such as Netflix, アップル, グーグル, Tiktok, 血圧, エクソン, エクイナー, シェル, ボーイング, エアバス, フォード, ルノー, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, ビザ, Mastercard, American Express, Dell, メタ, Ikea, and Nike have complied with international sanctions or cut ties with the Russian Federation.

Grewal notes in the company blog post that sanctioned individuals or entities are checked for during the onboarding process at Coinbase. The crypto company leverages sanction listsmaintained by the United States, United Kingdom, 欧州連合, United Nations, シンガポール, カナダ, and Japan.” さらに, Coinbase has sophisticated technology that can anticipate threats, Grewal disclosed.

Coinbase maintains a sophisticated blockchain analytics program to identify high-risk behavior, study emerging threats, and develop new mitigations,” 事務所’s chief legal officer said. 現在, the exchange blocks thousands of blockchain addresses related to individuals or entities stemming from Russia. Grewals post explains:

今日, Coinbase blocks over 25,000 addresses related to Russian individuals or entities we believe to be engaging in illicit activity, many of which we have identified through our own proactive investigations. Once we identified these addresses, we shared them with the government to further support sanctions enforcement.

The Coinbase executive ends the post by saying the firm aims to help people protect and build wealth, but at the same timesecurity, safety, and transparencyare important foundations. “Our commitment to sanctions complianceis part of the process, the Coinbase blog post concludes.

What do you think about the Coinbase blog post regarding the companys commitment to sanction compliance and how it has blocked 25,000 addresses stemming from illicit Russian activity? 以下のコメントセクションで、この件についてのご意見をお聞かせください.