New York Times, FT, Bloomberg Blasted for Attempting to Get FTX Creditors’ Names Unsealed

Amid the ongoing FTX bankruptcy proceedings, court documents indicate that media firms such as Bloomberg, the New York Times (NYT), ダウ・ジョーンズ & 会社, and the Financial Times (FT) want the redacted information tied to FTX creditors unsealed. The media companies

ロシアのメディア検閲官Roskomnadzorが主要な暗号ニュースのウェブサイトをブロック, a leading news outlet in Russia’の暗号空間, has been blocked by Russias telecom and mass media watchdog, ロスコムナゾール. The site is now inaccessible through most Russian internet providers, the online edition announced, stating it intends to contest the measure….

Binance Invests $200 ミリオンイントゥザビジネスマガジンとデジタルパブリッシャーフォーブス

Reports indicate that the worlds largest cryptocurrency exchange by trade volume, バイナンス, has announced the crypto company has committed to investing $200 million into the American business magazine Forbes. The digital currency company Binance confirmed the $200 million stake into Forbes