調査結果ショー 83.7% Lunoユーザーの割合はビットコインの復活に強気です

約 83.7% of those surveyed by Luno in a recent study believe the price of bitcoin will rise significantly in the next few months. 実際には, 59.4% of the more bullish respondents are expecting the leading crypto to rise to as

アフリカへの送金が立ち寄る 5.4 % に $41 10億—Covid-19パンデミックと高い送信コストが非難

According to findings from the Continental Migration Report 2021, remittances to African countries are projected to decrease from the $44 billion recorded in 2020 に $41 十億. The Covid Effect As expected, the Covid-19 pandemic is identified as one of the

暗号通貨はインドの小都市で勢いを増しています: 報告する

暗号通貨の使用と取引はインドでブームになっています, そしてこの成長のほとんどは小さな都市から来ています. 地元取引所の報道によると, 成長は指数関数的でした. これらの新しい参加者のプロフィールも興味深いものでした,…


While Africa is seen as one of the smallest cryptocurrency markets, according to a preview of ChainalysisGeography of Cryptocurrency annual report, this region hassome of the highest grassroots adoptions in the world.African Volumes Mainly Composed of Retail Transfers