
メンドーサ, アルゼンチンの州, 納税者が仮想通貨で税金を全額支払うことができるシステムを実装しました. システム, 今週発売された, is part of a strategic push for the modernization and digitalization of payments carried by the tax authority of Mendoza and uses the services of a third party to process the transactions.


Mendoza Goes Crypto for Tax Payments

More and more governments are including cryptocurrencies as a way of paying state-related obligations due to their recent popularity. メンドーサ, a province of Argentina, is one of the first in the country to implement a digital system that allows taxpayers to execute payments and other operations with digital currencies.

システム, launched on August 24, is part of a strategic move by the authorities of the province to modernize the payment of tax and state tributes, offering several options to citizens to fulfill their obligations. Nicolas Chávez, general director of the Mendoza tax administration authority, 述べました:

It is one more door to facilitate the payment of taxes to taxpayers. This is a service offered by the payment processor with which we have incorporated new technology, such as virtual wallets and cryptocurrencies.

While the payment utility is directly embedded in the page of the province, the payments are processed by a third-party company, that accepts crypto and liquidates the payments made in Argentinian pesos to the province. The system only receives payments in stablecoins, including USDT, USDC, and DAI, とりわけ. In this way, the system maintains volatility out of its operations.

Similar Initiatives

Other municipal governments in Argentina and in Latam have also announced the inclusion of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment for taxes. Last April the head of the government of Buenos Aires, Horacio Larreta, 発表した that the city was planning to also introduce crypto payments for taxes. Larreta stated that this use case could be implemented in 2023 alongside a blockchain-based identification system.

Rio de Janeiro, one of the biggest cities in Brazil, also 報告 the inclusion of these assets as payments for taxes in 2023 due to their popularity. But Rio’s plans go even further, envisioning crypto payments for other services like taxi rides, and NFTs to promote the areas of arts, 文化, and tourism, as well as investing part of the city funds in crypto through a new institution, the Municipal Committee for Crypto Investments.

アルゼンチン, ATM, ビットコイン, ブエノスアイレス, 暗号通貨, , 投資, メンドーサ, ニコラス・チャベス, 支払い, リオデジャネイロ, ステーブルコイン, 税金, テザー, USDC

What do you think about the inclusion of crypto to pay taxes in Mendoza? 以下のコメントセクションで教えてください.


セルジオはベネズエラを拠点とする暗号通貨ジャーナリストです. 彼は自分自身をゲームに遅刻したと説明しています, 12月に価格が上昇したときに暗号圏に参入 2017. コンピュータ工学のバックグラウンドを持つ, ベネズエラ在住, 社会レベルでの暗号通貨ブームの影響を受けている, 彼は、仮想通貨の成功と、それが銀行口座を持たず、十分なサービスを受けていない人々をどのように助けるかについて、異なる視点を提供します.

画像クレジット: シャッターストック, Pixabay, ウィキ・コモンズ

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