アメリカの金融不貞レポート: 2 から 5 調査回答者は暗号の購入を隠しました

最近の調査研究によると、献身的な関係にあるアメリカ人の5人に2人が、パートナーからの暗号通貨の購入を隠していることを認めている.. 暗号詐欺のパートナーは、購入を開示すると関係が損なわれると考えています.


Reasons for Not Disclosing Purchases

A Circuit survey study that sought to determine the extent of financial infidelity among Americans has found that two out of five respondents hid cryptocurrency purchases from their partners. According to the survey findings, respondents that confessed to concealing crypto purchases from partners believe revealing such acquisitions would damage their relationship.

As noted in a ブログ投稿 that summarizes the survey findings, American partners in committed relationships often fail to disclose certain acquisitions because they feel such purchases are either insignificant or none of their partner’s business. The post notes that “parents were more likely than those without children to hide purchases from their partners.” Embarrassment or the fear of being judged are some of the other reasons why Americans choose to hide certain purchases.

Besides hiding cryptocurrency purchases, the survey found that American partners also fail to disclose about nine other secret acquisitions. These acquisitions range from adult toys and pornography to food and grocery delivery.

American Financial Infidelity Report: 2 out of 5 Survey Respondents Hid Their Crypto Purchases

The Consequences of Lying

Although respondents have their reasons for choosing to make the purchases secret, the blog post warns that lying about money matters “can lead to distrust, 借金, fights and relationship trouble.” Therefore, to minimize the risk of getting caught, Americans are said to employ different tactics to stop keep their secret purchases from being discovered.

One such tactic that was apparently used by 38.9% of respondents to prevent a partner from discovering a secret purchase is the opening of a secret credit card. In other instances, the respondents said they would request the delivery service to hide the purchase. According to the study findings, 約 41.1% of men had asked the delivery service to hide a purchase, compared to 34% of women that did the same.

一方で, the survey found that 1 の 3 women have intercepted a driver right before a delivery is made. それだけ 1 の 4 men admitted to doing the same.

According to the survey findings, the most effective method used by Americans to hide purchases is the clearing of browsing history. 約 45.7% of the respondents admitted to using this method. Special delivery requests are the next most effective method used by cheating partners.


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Terence Zimwaraはジンバブエの受賞歴のあるジャーナリストです, 作家とライター. 彼は、いくつかのアフリカ諸国の経済問題や、デジタル通貨がどのようにアフリカ人に脱出経路を提供できるかについて幅広く書いています。.

画像クレジット: シャッターストック, Pixabay, ウィキ・コモンズ

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