Brazil Bans Telegram Temporarily Due to Alleged Lack of Collaboration in Fight Against School Violence

A federal judge in Brazil has ordered the temporary suspension of Telegram in the country and established hefty fines due to the supposed lack of collaboration of the company in a national crusade against school violence. Telegram failed to deliver information

Innovations Help to Substantially Reduce the Gap Between Decentralized and Centralized Exchanges — Dexalot COO

While centralized exchanges are thought to be safer and more efficient, proponents of decentralized platforms like Tim Shan insist that user experience on decentralized exchanges has improved. 加えて, inherent benefits associated with decentralized exchanges such as the self-custody of assets

Venezuelan Banks Have Blocked Over 75 Accounts Since the End of Last Year Due to Cryptocurrency-Related Activities

Venezuelan Banks have started eyeing the accounts of customers with ties to cryptocurrency trading, principally related to peer-to-peer (P2P) transaction activity. According to Legalrocks, a crypto and blockchain-focused legal firm in Venezuela, より多い 75 accounts have been blocked by Venezuelan

UK Bank Starling Blocks Payments to Crypto Platforms — Claims Crypto Is High Risk, Heavily Used for Criminal Purposes

Starling Bank has informed its customers that the bank no longer supports fund transfers to cryptocurrency platforms, including crypto exchanges. The bank stated that cryptocurrenciesare high risk and heavily used for criminal purposes and, as such, we no longer support

ユニスワップ検閲 253 犯罪のブラックリストに登録された暗号アドレス, 制裁協会

最近公開されたレポートによると, 分散型取引所 (デックス) Uniswap は大まかにブロックしました 253 犯罪または政府の制裁に関連しているとされる仮想通貨アドレス. The information was discovered by the software developer Banteg who analyzed and saved the shared logs from

ロシアのメディア検閲官Roskomnadzorが主要な暗号ニュースのウェブサイトをブロック, a leading news outlet in Russia’の暗号空間, has been blocked by Russias telecom and mass media watchdog, ロスコムナゾール. The site is now inaccessible through most Russian internet providers, the online edition announced, stating it intends to contest the measure….

イーロン・マスク, テスラ, スペースXフェーシング $258 ドージコインを促進するための10億件の訴訟

イーロン・マスク, テスラ, and Spacex are being sued for $258 billion over claims that theyare engaged in a crypto pyramid scheme (aka Ponzi scheme) by way of dogecoin cryptocurrency.The lawsuit states that Musk and his companiesfalsely and deceptively

イランブロック 9,200 疑わしい外貨を超える銀行口座, 暗号取引

イラン’s Ministry of Intelligence has reportedly blocked almost 10,000 bank accounts over suspicious foreign currency and cryptocurrency transactions. The action was carried out in collaboration with the countrys central bank. 9,219 Bank Accounts Blocked Irans Ministry of Intelligence issued a statement

米国財務省のOFACが追加 3 北朝鮮のサイバー犯罪グループにリンクされたETHアドレスがSDNリストに

外国資産管理局 (OFAC) は、特別に指定された国民およびブロックされた人物のリストに 3 つのイーサリアム アドレスを追加しました (SDN). OFACは、イーサアドレスはLazarusグループによって管理されていると主張している, a cybercrime group that is associated with North