Harvard Economics Professor: US Default Could Spark Global Financial Crisis

Harvard economics professor Kenneth Rogoff, who previously served as the chief economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has warned that the U.S. defaulting on its debt obligations could spark a global financial crisis. “It’s a very perilous situation and we

FTX Boss Ryan Salame’s Maryland Home Searched by FBI in Unexplained Raid

According to unnamed sources, the home of Ryan Salame, the former co-chief executive of FTX Digital Markets, was searched by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 木曜日に. The grounds for the raid remain unknown, and neither Salame nor his

ECB President Lagarde Warns of ‘Major Disaster’ If US Defaults on Debt Obligations

There is a lot of discussion lately about the U.S. government’s debt ceiling and whether Congress will act before defaulting. 最近のインタビューで, Christine Lagarde, the president of the European Central Bank (ECB), said she is confident the U.S. can

Economist and Political Scientist Refute Claims of US Dollar’s Demise Despite Trend of De-Dollarization News

This year, there has been a flurry of news reports and opinion editorials discussing an alleged de-dollarization trend amid a wave of disclosures associated with the BRICS bloc. In a recent article, the American political scientist and author Ian Bremmer insisted

Republican Congressman Tom Emmer Queries FDIC on Alleged Efforts to Purge Crypto Activity from US

水曜日に, Tom Emmer, アメリカ. Republican congressman from Minnesota, revealed he sent a letter to Martin Gruenberg, the chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), regarding reports that the FDIC is “weaponizing recent instability” in the U.S. banking industry


2月に. 10, 2023, 共和党のパトリック・マクヘンリー氏(ノースカロライナ州)とビル・ハイゼンガ氏(ミシガン州), どちらも米国のメンバー. 衆議院, 証券取引委員会に書簡を送りました (SEC) ゲイリー・ゲンスラー会長は逮捕について答えを求めている…

Arizona Senator Launches Bill to Make Bitcoin Legal Tender

A senator in the U.S. state of Arizona has introduced a set of cryptocurrency bills, one of which seeks to make bitcoin legal tender. “Centralized digital money controlled by the central bankers is slavery. Decentralized bitcoin is freedom,” the lawmaker said….

イーロン・マスクは、元FTX CEOのサム・バンクマン・フリードが寄付したと疑っている $1 10億人が民主党を支持

テスラの CEO で Twitter のチーフであるイーロン マスクは、元 FTX の CEO であるサム バンクマン フリードは次のように述べています。 (SBF) おそらく寄付された $1 10億ドルで民主党を支持, これは、公開されている数値よりもはるかに大きな金額になります。. Many people slammed Musk

FTX Execs Gave $70 Million to Both Democrats and Republicans Heading Into the 2022 US Midterms

After the collapse of FTX, a number of journalists reported on the fact that FTX executives deployed significant donations to political leaders in the United States. During the most recent election cycle leading up to the U.S. midterms in 2022, レポート…

億万長者のデビッド・ルーベンスタインは仮想通貨に強気, 規制について楽観的

億万長者デビッド・ルーベンスタイン, カーライルグループ’の創設者, 米国は. 議員は仮想通貨業界を不当に規制することを強要しない. 彼が仮想通貨に対して強気であることを指摘, 億万長者の投資家は言った: “人々が常識に反するとき、最大の幸運がもたらされます。”…